O/T Blatz, Blatz, Blatz

My teaching job: rarely go to work with a hangover, if I do, I have a plan "today kids lets go outside, etc, etc." My old grocery gig (which I still moonlight at occasionally when the boss leaves town or whatever) you could pretty much count on me being hungover, in fact, I usually pound down brews in the damned walk in cooler. My dad worked in or owned a grocery for 35 years, so I can pretty much sleep walk thru any kind of retail gig like that. While on the subject of that, it amazes to see how stupid people are these days, they think that jobs like grocery or restaurants are complicated. It is pretty sad that the owner of my neighborhood grocery has to call me to watch his place when he wants to leave because all of his "real" employees are too stupid. And I'm the only one who drinks at this place!!!!
Once again, y'all are crazy.

Very pleased with the outcome of the Mets game, I made up some microwave kettle corn and jumped on here while the men are sleeping, and as usual I find fucked up stores about drunken stupors, harrassing phone calls, and excessive brain damage. YOU GUYS NEVER LET ME DOWN!!!!!! I live vicariously through all of your drunk asses. Keep up the good work. :lol:
My grandpa and I have this sick running bet about which one of his major organs is going to go first. He is the closest thing I have ever had to a dad and he is my hero and I can only hope to be as vital as he is when I am 82. He drinks every day, smokes, and has three girlfriends. He is a fly fisherman, a carpenter and a poet. Everything useful I ever learned, I learned from him. He taught me the secret to happiness is "No regrets". He says, "Regret lives in the past; regret changes nothing; regret and happiness cannot exist in the same place." On a sad note, he recently had a stroke. He is paralyzed on his left side, but otherwise should recover. He is enjoying his stay in the hospital (especially the sponge baths) and knows the names of all the nurses. I don't know why I'm talking about this here, other than the fact that he's been on my mind alot lately, and most of his best stories involve him getting twisted and partying too hard. I assure you, he's doing fine right now and could be going home this week. I don't feel bad for him, because he doesn't feel bad for himself. The moral of this story is, is that my mom tells me that if I'm not careful, I could wind up just like him. I hope so.
By the way, neither of us won the bet.


It's true. So I say drink, smoke and listen to Anthrax to make the ride all the more enjoyable.

Just remember the immortal words of Jim Morrison,

"Five to one, baby,
One in Five,
No one here gets out alive."

Time for a cold one.....:Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
Sorry to hear about your Granpa. He sounds like a cool dude.
My best wishes to him.

So is everyone all set for the weekend? How about you TD??? Got the Blatz all iced up, like myself??? Naturally the weather has turned crappy for my cabin expedition, but where there's Blatz there's sunshine.......at least in my heart!!!
Originally posted by vomit
Sorry to hear about your Granpa. He sounds like a cool dude.
My best wishes to him.

So is everyone all set for the weekend? How about you TD??? Got the Blatz all iced up, like myself??? Naturally the weather has turned crappy for my cabin expedition, but where there's Blatz there's sunshine.......at least in my heart!!!

I feel ya man! Here is Utah is was 80 degrees the other day, and then it snowed 2 inches yesterday and was 28 degrees! When will winter go the F$#k away?

Cheerz, I'll have to buy some Blatz to warm up I guess!
Me grandpa is doing really well and is going home tomorrow. I'll raise a couple drinks to him this weekend, I'm sure, and if you do the same, make sure it's Jim Beam. He's from Kentucky ("That dark and bloody soil" as he calls it) and that's all he drinks. Thanks for the kind words, though.

On a lighter note, it was in the mid 80's here today and I went golfing with one of my lady friends (there's something about a chick that can swing a golf club that floats my boat, and those golf outfits.....damn) and then afterwards we had a picnic. She made ham sandwiches with spicy mustard and baked cookies (she baked cookies!!!). We played hackey sack and frisbee and blew bubbles....hot damn am I glad it's getting close to summer!!!

j <--------- Born again every spring...
I'm still getting various reports of my debauched action Friday! The night I don't remember. A lady friend just called me finally today (we usually talk several times a week) I thought she was pissed, she said "oh you were just trashed, nothing I haven't seen before." LOL So I asked, "was I an asshole?" "no not to me, your usually pretty nice and pretty funny when you get like that, it's just that you couldn't walk or talk, so I took you home." Finally, the mystery is solved. Then she said "Let's go out and grab some drinks Saturday, I'll drive, and then we'll dive off the roof off you house into your swimming pool." Like Jeff, I'm all about nice weather.
Well I stood in a friend's wedding this weekend and got loaded! No Blatz, but I consumed everything else in sight.

The music was typical wedding shit: No Anthrax!
However they played "Ace of Spades"! Lemmy rules!
Jesus, this is the insane thread that imprisons reason, it simply refuses to die! I haven't been as drunk lately, but this is Memorial Day Weekend, so all bets are off. In my town during the summer the local Elks puts on these things they call "Boogie on the Blacktop" and although the music is quite lame and the beer bad (draft bud and draft miller) EVERYONE AND THEIR FUCKING BROTHER COMES OUT to the first one (they get progressively gayer and gayer) So I know I'll be there w/ my drunk buds and some floozie women making an ass of myself. I can't wait!! Plus, school is over, so I don't warok again until August! And then next weekend I'm having my own summer kick off party.
Everyone else is out having fun...and I gotta work midnights all weekend! It's official: life is unfair.

I suppose this means I will come home tommorrow morning, crack a Blatz and listen to some Anthrax. Maybe life isn't that bad after all?

At least the weather is shitty! If I have to be cooped up at work on a holiday weekend, the weather should be bad!

And it is.

Maybe God is coming around to my side?

Well everyone, don't forget to thank a vet this weekend. This is what the extra day off is really all about.

"We've Come for you All!"

:Puke: :Puke: