O/T Blatz, Blatz, Blatz


Noonan's is where I go to buy my booze, but I always go to Jungle Jim's for my beer. Plus you can get great produce, fresh fish, and there's an international section with food from all over the world. They also have a really kick ass wine selection. I know I'm sounding like a commercial here, but JJ's is my favorite place to shop. As far as grocery stores go, it's in a class by itself....

Vomit: I toasted a brew to you last night my friend. I was at a shit hole pub in Circleville, Ohio (home of the Pumpkin Show, which showcases the worlds largest pumpkin in the word, yeah, just like the Charlie Brown Halloween special) So anyway, i was at the Pumpkin Inn (go figure that name out) and there was some shitty cover band playing "Sin City," albeit it sounded no worse than TS's recent cover of it. And I was perusing (sp??) their selection of beers: no Sam Adams, no Petes, no Blue Moon, no Guiness, so I said "fuck it" and got and ice cold blatz. Thank you vomit, you inspired me.
Beer-anything I can get my hands on

Whiskey-anything I can get my hands on

Vodka-anything I can get my hands on

Gin-anything I can get my hands on

Rum-anything I can get my hands on but preferebly Bacardi 151 or Bacardi Silver

Except for beer and Gin I go for shots all the way, the quickest way to pass out!

Jaergermiester-jaergermiester, I am the only person I know that can drink a fifth of the godly drink in a night and still wake up the next morning. "How?", you say, well I'm from Maine and drinking is what we do! My Liver isn't loving me and neither are my friends cause I never get hangovers:p ! As for me, I don't drink for the taste if you know what I mean, just call me an old fashioned Alchy!
WOW! Dude, I had too much draft beer (the co2 will get ya) to quickly, coupled with massive shots of jager friday, and I don't remember a thing. The person I thought took me home called me saturday and asked "how'd you get home dude?" I was just like "uh oh, i thought you did, I'm not really sure." None of the people I was hanging out with that night have called me since, so I must have turned into "evil drunk pissed bitter TD." He rears his head at least twice a year, and more often than that if the Lakers lose a playoff game. It's wierd, some nights I can drink a case of beer with some shots, some nights 3 or 4 pitchers and a couple of shots kill me. I think that is the fun of it.
Yeah Jaerger will do it, but I love the stuff.

Here's a story, new years 2000, my band played, we called the show the end of the world, we all got really blasted and at one point someone handed me two bottles of liqour, it turned out to be Jaeger and Bacardi 151, I saw this as I was downing them both at the same time, well I held it in and got so smashed that I did it a couple more times, I don't know how I got home, someone told me they found me crawling down the middle of the street and picked me up, someone else told me a week later that he witnessed me down a fifth of amoretto in one gulp session, needless to say I do not remember this at all...ah! Good times!
I am inspired!!! Now this weekened I will toast to you my friend. In a cabin in the dark of Upper Michigan's backwoods.

Hell maybe even a shot of Jaegermeister too!!

I salute your debauchery!

:Puke: :Puke:
Wow, all of these are powerful drinks! I myself prefer Hennessy, it's too expensive but worth the price. I have certainly had my share of the Jaerger! Wow, that stuff will knock you down, it don't care who you are!

Ajdeath, way to go!

Reminds me of a similar story from New Years 2 or 3 years ago on a Ski Trip. I had ditched the tour I was with because I'd found that another group from Saskatchewan was partying at another hotel (you think you know how to drink...shit, that's all those people do in Saskatchewan!). After closing down the bar with countless pitchers of beer, we ended up in someone's hotel room, where they mixed a forty of light rum, a forty of dark rum, a forty of vodka, and a forty of rye in a garbage cam, threw in a six-pack of 7-up for mix, and mixed it with a ski pole. Just as we're finishing that, someone hands me a 26 of sambuca, and as I take a swig, everybody starts chanting "Chug, chug!"...who was I to deny them? :cry:

Next thing I remember, I'm on the ski hill, and somehow I've managed to get on and off the chair lift, and some guy comes up to me and says "Hey Ernie". My reply was, of course, "Hey...who are you?"

"I'm Neil...(blank stare from me)...from Saskatchewan...(blank stare from me)...I carried you home last night..."

"Oh, hey, Neil! How ya doin'?"

Best to not get me started on drinking stories...there ends up being a lot of nudity involved and it's not a very pretty sight :lol:
I have this bad habit of dropping trou when I get drunk. Must be the blonde in me....


(wouldn't mind it so much except for all the embarrassing pix. I could never run for public office...)
Blackouts can be rather embarrassing, however, the more times you commit yourself to a blackout, the less embarrassing it is to find out what exactly you did. It is comparable to a rookie throwing an interception, then losing his resolve and his pride and throwing 4 more before being yanked. Whereas the cool calm veteran throws a touchdown or two to make up for the pick. This is just my way of saying I should go to the Pro Bowl for black out victims. That would be kinda cool, everyone on this thread in Hawaii drinking until we black out. :cool:
I always check my cell phone the next day to see who I called the night before. Chances are there are more than a few ex-girlfriends on the list. Sometimes, on those really special nights, when I'm feeling really clever, I'll find my ex-wife's number on there. Heh.

TD- I'm there, man. I'll be the guy without pants....


DUDE! I'm all about ex'es numbers!! I thought I was the only black out caller upper. A coupla weeks ago, I woke up from a drunk, and at about 7pm, this g/f from like 1997 calls me chewing my ass out, because I didn't show up for our dinner date.....apparently I called her and begged for this date, only to not remember......I'm usually pretty red faced when I check to see who I call. Last Friday I checked the #'s, and it was funny, you could tell who I was *trying* to call, but the #'s were all backward or incomplete...it was ludicrous. I still don't know how I got home. All that talk about me not being embarrassed, well, I'm not going back to that bar until I'm good and drunk, because I know the whole place is gonna be riding my ass about passing out at the bar!
I love drinking, I am the one at parties that is always way out of control, and I am LOUD! Another story, when I was still in High School me and the band were drinking and having a good time, I had to leave at 1:00 because of school but our singer and drummer kept going, we allready had a fifth of Beam, A case of beer and a pint of Schnopps of the peppermint variety and as I left they went to the store to buy another case before cuttoff, I woke up the next morning and as I drove by their place I saw them sitting on the porch popping open a fresh case they had just bought, at 6 AM! That some serious drinking! Most beer Iv'e ever had in a night is 19 and a half, and these guys more than doubled me!
TD- My most embarrassing moment was when I thought I was calling my girlfriend for a late night rendezvous and instead called my mom. Of course she realised who it was, I'm her son for god's sake. She's kind of used to it though. She's gotten calls on more than one occasion from girls I mistakenly gave her number to in my drunken stupor....

Goodness goodness, this thread is taking on a life of its own. Jeff: I've called my sisters and long lost cousins at the hours of 3 or 4, just to remind them how much the family means to me! They hate me. AJ: Everyonce in a while, when I can summon the strength, I'll go out rather late to get started (like 10 -11) then close the bars (2:30) then hang out with my buds or if I'm lucky a wonderful gal until 6 am when some of the blue collar bars open up. We (this is always a planned group thing) usually don't make it past 11 am, but it always makes for a good story, plus you can order steak and eggs with your beer while you try to play pool and listen to Hank Williams Jr. on the jukebox.There is a place in town called the Zane Tavern, and this cool old one armed man named Bob opens it up. When he says me coming at 6am pounding on the door, he knows he is in for a laugh. "Oh christ Tatman, this ain't gonna be another one of those days when your head is on the floor, and yur feet are on the bar is it??" (true story that is, of course, I didn't spill me beer.)
Christ! The worst I ever did was New years 99(Gotta love New Years!) I Drank all night,(Captian Morgans) Then went to work at 11:00 AM, I was still drunk and got a hangover at 1:00pm, which is unusual since I sleep through most of them, and by the time I left work at 7:00 PM I had puked twice., I also did something similar during High School but my First Period teacher told me to"GET THE HELL OUT!" so I did, she noticed that I was wearing the same cloths that I wore the day before and that I was sleeping and that I reaked of alcohol, man that was shitty trying to explain that to my mother!:lol: