Oakhelm – Betwixt and Between
Forest Moon Special Products – FMSP004 – July 24, 2007
By Jason Jordan
The Pacific Northwest has a few gems – Oregon’s Agalloch and Washington’s Wolves in the Throne Room – and Oakhelm can now safely be added to that list. Sometimes paralleling their fellow Oregonians, early Woods of Ypres, and the Ulver of yesteryear, Oakhelm’s full-length debut Betwixt and Between is a folk-infused platter that respectively embodies BM, Celtic, Viking, and pagan/heathen metal during parts of its 42-minute length. While choppy and seemingly forced at times, BaB is a great stopgap for those waiting for follow-ups from the above-mentioned bands.
‘Of Wood and Blood’ is like Agalloch on speed – especially the galloping sections – though the strained vocals have more presence than Haughm’s. The clean vocals add ambiance, for sure, but are perhaps too monotone overall. Also, while the acoustic guitar is expertly played, the sudden segue at 7:02 acts as a buzzkill by interrupting suddenly, and thereby drags down the momentum of an otherwise thunderous tune. Thankfully, Oakhelm resurrect the assault and continue with it until 8:42. Three-minute interludes ‘Skaal Shanty’ and ‘Maybon Shore’ provide respite between longer, punishing numbers – the former featuring female vocals, acoustic guitar, accordion, and roughneck chants, and the latter brandishing acoustic guitar overtop a rain soundclip. The eight-minute ‘As the Murder Flies’ begins with an instrumental passage reminiscent to WoY, but the vocals could never be mistaken for Gold’s or anyone else’s. Admittedly, however, most tracks tend to sound the same after several minutes – an ailment from which the melodic, nine-minute ‘These Boundaries Crossed’ and 10-minute closer ‘Immram’ are not immune.
Along with Gwynbleidd’s Amaranthine, Oakhelm’s Betwixt and Between is a promising first outing for a group that is destined to unleash superior material in the future. For now, though, BaB is an obvious recommendation to those enraptured with this particular style, even if this quartet, comprised of ex-Fall of the Bastards members, isn’t the king of the hill just yet. Oh yeah, the Verwimp-designed digipak is especially cool. Fitting, too.
Official Oakhelm Website
Official Forest Moon Special Products Website
Forest Moon Special Products – FMSP004 – July 24, 2007
By Jason Jordan

The Pacific Northwest has a few gems – Oregon’s Agalloch and Washington’s Wolves in the Throne Room – and Oakhelm can now safely be added to that list. Sometimes paralleling their fellow Oregonians, early Woods of Ypres, and the Ulver of yesteryear, Oakhelm’s full-length debut Betwixt and Between is a folk-infused platter that respectively embodies BM, Celtic, Viking, and pagan/heathen metal during parts of its 42-minute length. While choppy and seemingly forced at times, BaB is a great stopgap for those waiting for follow-ups from the above-mentioned bands.
‘Of Wood and Blood’ is like Agalloch on speed – especially the galloping sections – though the strained vocals have more presence than Haughm’s. The clean vocals add ambiance, for sure, but are perhaps too monotone overall. Also, while the acoustic guitar is expertly played, the sudden segue at 7:02 acts as a buzzkill by interrupting suddenly, and thereby drags down the momentum of an otherwise thunderous tune. Thankfully, Oakhelm resurrect the assault and continue with it until 8:42. Three-minute interludes ‘Skaal Shanty’ and ‘Maybon Shore’ provide respite between longer, punishing numbers – the former featuring female vocals, acoustic guitar, accordion, and roughneck chants, and the latter brandishing acoustic guitar overtop a rain soundclip. The eight-minute ‘As the Murder Flies’ begins with an instrumental passage reminiscent to WoY, but the vocals could never be mistaken for Gold’s or anyone else’s. Admittedly, however, most tracks tend to sound the same after several minutes – an ailment from which the melodic, nine-minute ‘These Boundaries Crossed’ and 10-minute closer ‘Immram’ are not immune.
Along with Gwynbleidd’s Amaranthine, Oakhelm’s Betwixt and Between is a promising first outing for a group that is destined to unleash superior material in the future. For now, though, BaB is an obvious recommendation to those enraptured with this particular style, even if this quartet, comprised of ex-Fall of the Bastards members, isn’t the king of the hill just yet. Oh yeah, the Verwimp-designed digipak is especially cool. Fitting, too.
Official Oakhelm Website
Official Forest Moon Special Products Website