Obituary - Slowly We Rot cover!


Sinister Haven \m/
Jul 13, 2009
UK, Islington
I started early in the morning and just finished mixing :D - Slowly We Rot - Cover.mp3

Its got rhythm guitars, bass and drums, if anyone could do the vocals or lead guitars it would be awesome!

Let me know what you think dudes :kickass:

Also, this is still the rough mix, its way to quiet and I haven't finished editing the DI's yet so the timing isn't perfect :D

I'll post the complete pack of DI tracks for my cover once I've finished editing them and preparing the midi drum track :rock:
I started early in the morning and just finished mixing :D - Slowly We Rot - Cover.mp3

Its got rhythm guitars, bass and drums, if anyone could do the vocals or lead guitars it would be awesome!

Let me know what you think dudes :kickass:

Also, this is still the rough mix, its way to quiet and I haven't finished editing the DI's yet so the timing isn't perfect :D

I'll post the complete pack of DI tracks for my cover once I've finished editing them and preparing the midi drum track :rock:

Ahhh Obituary. Good choice for a cover. Check your bass drum, it sounds a tad too loud in your rough mix, but that kick does sound good though. Cymbals are a tad too dark, but I'm sure you can arrange that later on.
The cymbals and hi-hats were all from DFH 1, I just wanted to hear how this would sound :D I'll replace them soon.

I saw Obituary live a few weeks ago and they played this classic, I just had to do a cover of it!
Not bad mucky - not bad at all. I'm loving that kick - is that from DFH1 also? Snare needs to be brightened up a bit though. Guitar sounds really nice too (TSE-X30?).
The kick was a mix of the Andy Sneap kick, and a kick from Behinderts drum pack :D the snare was also Andy Sneap's snare sample and the Testament snare sample from Behinderts drum pack again :D

The guitars were all TSE X30 and Ryan's Awesometime4 impulse. And the bass was a mix of Ampeg SVX and the same sound as the guitars have.

Do you think that the playing was tight enough? I didn't really edit the guitar tracks, recorded each section of the song separately, but i didn't edit each note or anything stupid :D
you need to make the main melody flow more rather than stopping for a millisecond as you change notes, but otherwise this sounding good. guitars are a little static-y sounding though.
you need to make the main melody flow more rather than stopping for a millisecond as you change notes, but otherwise this sounding good. guitars are a little static-y sounding though.

It was the first time I'd played the song, I had a practise for about 10 minutes before I started recording, so thats why the note changes aren't very smooth :D

I've almost finished editing the DI tracks, they will be uploaded in a day or two :rock: