Obliteration - Perpetual Decay

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
Obliteration - Perpetual Decay
Tyrant Syndicate/Peaceville - CDVILEF171P - May 28, 2007
By Jordan Knoll


When one thinks of Norway, death metal usually isn’t the first term to pop into mind (granted there has been some notable releases such as Blod Draum, In Pains and Soulside Journey). Norwegian act Obliteration, however, seem intent upon changing this perception with Perpetual Decay; a punishing death metal assault that while not overly original still manages to be an adequate addition to any avid death metal fan's collection.

Tracks like ‘Repent’ or ‘Sadistic Nekroabortion’ bring a thrashing, basic melodic approach that is equal parts catchy, dark and morbid. Unsurprisingly, much of the album lingers between the relative safety of cool mid-paced semi-groove riffing and full-speed-ahead tremolo based attacks. The result is rather short pieces offering up a handful of riffs and phrases before moving onto the next song. In fact, if a major complaint can be made about Perpetual Decay it is that the shortened song lengths inhibit the ability for more sophisticated composition development to take place. And while this may seem to be a minor concern at first (for those of us who just want to mindlessly rock out, specifically) once repeated listens occur the depthless nature of Perpetual Decay becomes all too apparent.

In short, if you don’t mind relatively basic albeit solid slabs of death metal ‘riffery’ than you could do much worse than checking out Obliteration’s debut.

Official Obliteration Website
Official Tyrant Syndicate Website