Obsessing on the new CD


Aug 21, 2011
I can't stop thinking about this new live album, especially since the last update from Kickstart!!

I was looking at the posts of the setlists from Friday and Saturday. I noticed that Walls was only done on Friday, and Ray "fucked it up", by his own admission.

I hope that doesn't mean Nick won't include it. If anything, maybe it can be an Easter Egg or a bonus on the DVD. Since the band hasn't made their way to Dallas since opening for DT in '07, I eagerly grab onto anything I can Redemption-related.
It wasn't a huge "fuck up" as far as I can remember - he just missed one line of the second verse or something like that. I'd still like to see it included.

I am kind of hoping for a few bonus 'live in-studio' songs to supplement those that were played in the two shows. They could always play a perfect version of Walls in that to go with the "fucked up" one.
That's kind of what I was thinking. Some backstage shenanigans, like on the previous DVD.

Its just going to take forever to get to May 2013, the targeted release of the DVD/CD. You never know, Nick may decide to throw out a couple of "sample tastes" as he goes through 400Gig of data on 16 blu-rays!!
i would vote to just fix it in the studio. rerecord the line and inject it back in, if possible.

the song should be included and you don't want a mistake to detract from the listening experience.
Sometimes its the "fuck ups" that make the live recordings more... "real". Prime example: when Genesis finally released "The Lamb" live, the last track "It" was rerecorded, as well as a couple of other spots, especially in "Back In NYC". To me, it detracts greatly from the overall experience. Now, when NYC comes on, I am always thinking ahead to those two spots. And with the last track just fading out, you forget its even a "live" track at all. No crowd noise on a "live" recording is not right.
Kansas' "Two For The Show" prides itself on no overdubs or rerecording of the tracks. And I appreciate that album. Its closer to the true experience the audience experienced. I don't want to hear a show that has been "polished up" after the fact. Might as well just listen to the studio tracks.

Just my thoughts.
Yep, I vote go with the fuckup, I mean, it's one line, doesn't ruin the whole thing keeps it real... Would hate to see it patched up for release purposes particularly we now know and all ;)
Part of my obsession lately has been musing on the title and album art. That got me thinking. I wish I could draw or use the computer intelligently enough to create an album cover, cuz I have something in mind that I've got to get out before it bursts out like a misguided Alien baby! Basically, its an amalgamation of all the previous album covers (or elements of them) put together. The album title that somehow got stuck in my brain is "Into The Fold". Ultimately that's, in part, what a live album/greatest hits album is for: an overall view of the band for n00bs, not to mention just great live performances for the die-hards. I can't say how many bands I have ultimately grown to love after being first introduced to them by a live album or greatest hits package.

But, if I ever find the time, I'm gonna try to put together some form of the image in my head and see what ya'll think.

Unless you think I'm just smokin' WAAAAAYYYY too much crack and hallucinogenics. In which case... F*** you, cuz I'm gonna post it anyway.

1. We're going to fix that line in question in the studio. We intended to do a second take but -- I'll be diplomatic and say there was a "miscommunication"with the stage manager of a certain band that cut short our Saturday morning set and we weren't able to do an alternate take. We ain't Kansas with the ability to choose from 20 takes on different nights after touring extensively for a year. We played a rapid changeover festival without so much as a soundcheck (barely even a line-check) and a host of potential issues. So a little clean up is, sadly, a necessity. It's a pretty minor fix in the scheme of things. For those who want to here imperfections as rendered in a live performance, they will be all over the place.

2. Would love some thoughts on a name. "Into the Fold" doesn't immediately grab me but perhaps it's a grower? Any other ideas?

Hell, I don't think Kansas is Kansas anymore!! As much of a fan as I was growing up (I even have a tat of the K in their font), they're just "writing it in" now on stage. Their last show I saw, opening for Styx and Foreigner, was unenjoyable. They seemed bored, especially playing just the same few songs they've been playing for 35 years, with no new material even in the works (hell, Steve Walsh once said that he simply won't put out any more new Kansas material).

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. Can't wait to hear the show!!

As far as "Into The Fold", it just kinda struck me. In my case then, how about "Obsession Possession"? :guh: :goggly:
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