Oceano - District of Misery cover..


May 23, 2011
Hey, so I'm kind of new to mixing somewhat, here's a cover of Oceano's District of Misery that I did in a couple/few hours.
I think the problem here is the bass... It wasn't a real bass, it was a guitar pitch shifted -12 semitones.
What do you think?

track a real bass man! that bass sounds like a fart

Haha I know man, the bass track itself is a huge pile of shit, I don't own a real bass I'm just a young guitarist.
However I'll redo this(I rushed it and recorded everything in 1-2 takes) and upload the guitar DI's and drum MIDI for mixing Pratice if someone would track the bass for this.

It's a really easy song, tempo is 126, tuning is drop G#.
I know the original is in Drop A but I use a .70 gauge for the G# and I don't wanna go any higher(warp neck etc..).