Oceano - District Of Misery Full cover(Depths album) (LOOOOOOOOK)

Jul 31, 2010
I have been working on this for the past 2 day's im starting to really get happy with it, this is not the final mix im sure ill be making changes.
Also this is a lot lighter on the bass grit than i would normally do and this i was meaning to do, because on the actually album there is not a whole ton, so i figured it would be to drastic to add grit like i normally would

i am not really going for a exact sound, kinda putting my twist on it a lil bit, so keep that in mind. But i like it well enough to show and i think its solid enough to share with others. hah so here you go hope you all enjoy! :rock:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Oceano - District Of Misery Mix 4 (FirstStrikeProductions).mp3

(((((( MIX 5)))))))))
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Oceano - District Of Misery mix 5 (FirstStrikeProductions) post.mp3

If you have any Q's i would gladly answer.

- Guitars -
Pod Farm
(note)(all rhythm guitar's are Quad tracked)

- Bass -

- Drums -
kick 10 blended with 2 of my kicks.
snare 12a
Toms are GMS Coated
Cymbals are from the shoulder city pack
Sounds pretty sweet, man, very Depths to me. If I had everything my way I might slam the master a little more and get that dirty grit in there, but that's just my preference. Everything sounds clean and has their own space.
Sounds pretty sweet, man, very Depths to me. If I had everything my way I might slam the master a little more and get that dirty grit in there, but that's just my preference. Everything sounds clean and has their own space.

yeah man like i was telling you on FB the other night.

I really would never turn SSL comp past -4 on the threshold.
i just do not like pumping at all. lol
But thanks dude!
sounds sick and very well done but i agree with moar master comp haha

you guys do realize on the actual depths album joey did not use a SSL comp or anything? lol

at least from what i read when i was researching before i started.
but again, i hate pumping no matter what, and i think the threshold on SSL is fine at -4, any more it starts to pump and that just sounds us professional to me at least
a few guitar bits are off, the toms aren't quite right, and you're missing the awesome intro!

other than that, you've nailed this. completely.

you're not going for an exact sound? this in parts sounds almost identical to the album version!

Listened one more time - I'd go back and work on the mid range of the guitars - they're focused in a weird area and are bit cloudy so I'd remove some 600 - 1k. Also lacking some chunk too. Sometimes a boost in the subs can work - around 70hz. A cool trick I picked up from a dude that works at British Grove is to use something like RBass (he used some over the top hardware but RBass works just as well) to make the guitars bigger. If my guitars lack that deep chunk I'll throw Rbass on, dial it in around 70hz and BAM - big bottom end.
a few guitar bits are off, the toms aren't quite right, and you're missing the awesome intro!

other than that, you've nailed this. completely.

you're not going for an exact sound? this in parts sounds almost identical to the album version!


haha thanks for your kind words man! :DD

but i am to a point im just sure im processing stuff different and bass is not a amp sim by any means.

ALSOOO i do have the full song and with the awesome intro haha when i get the final mix done ill post the full thing for you man :)

and yeah with the toms i wanted to use my toms that i normally run in my productions, just not a fan of slate toms.
Listened one more time - I'd go back and work on the mid range of the guitars - they're focused in a weird area and are bit cloudy so I'd remove some 600 - 1k. Also lacking some chunk too. Sometimes a boost in the subs can work - around 70hz. A cool trick I picked up from a dude that works at British Grove is to use something like RBass (he used some over the top hardware but RBass works just as well) to make the guitars bigger. If my guitars lack that deep chunk I'll throw Rbass on, dial it in around 70hz and BAM - big bottom end.

Hey man thanks for the advice.

But for the guitar's there pretty much what im doing for lol.

Like it might not be just like depths but hey im not sturgis you know :P
i honestly link them as is, i can see what you mean but its not to big a deal to me right now.
It would still sound better if you at least automated the shells on fills and blast sections, despite how the original sounds.
It would still sound better if you at least automated the shells on fills and blast sections, despite how the original sounds.

that might be the case but this is just for fun im not going to get all that crazy with it :P

haha and i did that a lil bit int his clip im about to post