Oceano Drum sound Test

Thanks oceano is a rad band check them out Joey sturgis on this forum recorded them I'm recording a band and they want there recordings to have that robotic perfect drum sound so I thought IDE practice b4 they came in
The character is definetly there, but I'd lower the ambience mics a bit. It's a bit "roomy" compared to the original.


I didn't know they played Crabcore though. ;)
yeah that's the only thing id add, it sounds a bit too reverby on the whole
your reverb is sitting at a really high level
joey only cranked the reverb for specific sections of the track

turn the reverb down and turn it up occaisionally for emphasis of certain sections of the track
It sounds pretty damn close, but yeah turn down a bit the reverb.
How did you get that sound by the way?
Thanks so much guys . heres an update mix .

http://files.getdropbox.com/u/727847/Oceano cover drums better.mp3

put i think its pretty close my self dont wanna sound to much like it lol .. although the original is disgustingly beautiful:worship: its all slate samples ill find out i cant remember which i used right now .. but theres 1 of my own samples on the snare to give it a Lil ring . toms are chimera with a ton of eq and DKFH cymbals with alot of eq , comp and dessing . my first time using dkfh pretty cool .

but seriously now what does joey think ...


thanks guys .

nobody cares what you guys think of oceano
i dont personally enjoy their music, but this guy wants advise and feedback on his fucking drum mix, not to have the piss ripped out of his fucking music taste
Hahahaha guys it's all goood it's not my cup of tea the whole generic deathcore sound wow so unique but ye these clients want that sound so that's all I wanted the feed back for I really couldn't give a fuck about oceano bit I don't no about u I think the tones and production are pretty steller but wat evs lol
