Oceano/White Chapel style band im doing

Everything (and I mean everything) sounds great dude...except for the attack on the kick, which is driving me bonkers :/ Sounds like it was an incredibly dark sample that just had the fuck boosted out of its top end, so it's got no snap to it, change samples post haste IMO! Oh, and the guitars sound amazing but are a bit too loud IMO
Funny story with the kick, the drummer insisted on me using ONE kick sample. Not just one sample group, ONE sample lol. Ive never done this before and as far as i know alot of people could be doing it? For tracking i ended up boosting alot of 6k so the guitar players could hear it well while tracking. Ill definitely take your advice and re work the kick !
Funny story with the kick, the drummer insisted on me using ONE kick sample. Not just one sample group, ONE sample lol. Ive never done this before and as far as i know alot of people could be doing it? For tracking i ended up boosting alot of 6k so the guitar players could hear it well while tracking. Ill definitely take your advice and re work the kick !

Sounds like he requires a swift kick in the nuts, but I'm glad you're gonna go ahead and exercise superior force of will :D
Good stuff. I really dig the stutter and pitch drop on the guitar before the breakdown. I would automate the snare volume down a little during blasts though.
Yeah, definitely lower the snare a bit in the blasts, they're way too snappy for a blast beat. Also the attack of the kick is a bit annoying as well, but rest is sounding ace man! : ) Also there are some tom fills that sound way too robotic
Sounds like the Slate pack is treating you well Nick.

Great mix, dude. These guitars reamped will hopefully sound even more br00tal.

We'll really be able to judge this when the vocals are added to the mix.