

New Metal Member
Dec 24, 2011



Formed in 2009 by the core group of Koski-Kulju-Laaksonen-Mäkelä, Oceanwake has ever since aimed to develop something unique - their own brand of metal where no rules exist. Based mostly around slow doom/death riffs, they incorporate many quite surprising elements in their music, from psych to post-rock and from country to black metal.

The debut album "Kingdom" will be released in summer/fall of 2012 and the band is already working on the follow-up.

‎"Icebergs break off glaciers. Islands sink beneath the waters. Shores face the killer waves that reach far into the inland. It's the final day and the tempestuous oceans have awoken to witness the birth of a new kingdom."

It's hard to define the genre that OCEANWAKE falls into. Established some two years ago in Luvia, Finland, this new outfit consists of musicians with somewhat diverse backgrounds. Thus, it's no surprise that they do offer quite a refreshing approach to metal music.

Based around slow death/doom metal riffs and a notable absence of clean vocals, their material incorporates elements of prog rock, psychedelia, black metal, post rock - even country. So far, "arctic experimental metal" is perhaps the most befitting description of their style of music. But it's best that you check for yourself!

Here is "The Words of Gods Lie Among Us", the first single from their
forthcoming debut album "Kingdom". A physical release as a 7" single will follow.