Darin J Moore

May 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Received the new October issue of Guitar World in the mail today with Chris' "Betcha Can't Play This". The two licks covered: Ex. 1 - an arpeggio etude in A minor that integrates tapping, multiple hammer-on and pull-off combinations and a little bit of economy picking into a steady stream of 16th notes. Ex. 2 is a four-bar 16th note run based on an exotic-sounding CMaj#11 arpeggio ( five note 'haiku' scale ). Great to see Chris in the major publication of Guitar World! Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that the issue is shipping - so look for it! Think I'll go check it out now!
Darin J Moore said:
Received the new October issue of Guitar World in the mail today with Chris' "Betcha Can't Play This". The two licks covered: Ex. 1 - an arpeggio etude in A minor that integrates tapping, multiple hammer-on and pull-off combinations and a little bit of economy picking into a steady stream of 16th notes. Ex. 2 is a four-bar 16th note run based on an exotic-sounding CMaj#11 arpeggio ( five note 'haiku' scale ). Great to see Chris in the major publication of Guitar World! Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that the issue is shipping - so look for it! Think I'll go check it out now!

This is awesome. I can't wait to see. Oh ya, and you're still speaking guitarted. "Blah blah blah blah, Guitar World, blah blah blah"

I know, I'm an ass.
On the GW site now:

Gilby Clarke, All That Remains, Gov't Mule, Blue October, Dean limited-edition USA Schenker Brothers V guitar, GW Inquirer with Coheed and Cambria, GW readers in the spotlight and more! Betcha Can’t Play This with Chris Broderick

Darin J Moore said:
Oh yes, but soon , you too shall speak our language!!!! ( I think I prefer to call it Broderickism )

No Broderickism's for me. I'm learning bass, cause it only has 4 strings, and to my pleasant suprise... i really only need to play two of the strings for most songs. Rockstardumb here i come.
MetalSteph said:
No Broderickism's for me. I'm learning bass, cause it only has 4 strings, and to my pleasant suprise... i really only need to play two of the strings for most songs. Rockstardumb here i come.

Switch to a 5 string bass. Then you and Chris can do lovely duets on the low B.
Why is Kirk Hammet on the cover? I'm a better guitarist than this turd, and I'm a full-time bassist for fuck's sake. I hate the music industry. I hate everybody today in fact. Not myself though. :heh:

It's always the money that get's the spotlight, and the talent that's locked in the fucking basement. Kirk Hammet can eat balls, and I don't wanna hear any "he's in/was in Metalica" bullshit. Who cares.

I get enough "Cliff Burton" is god, from ass to mouth enthusiasts, that listen to Metallica. No offense to Cliff, he's wasn't that great of a player. Especially nowadays. But back to Hammet...

I've seen blind, hanicapped, amuptees play Metallica solos better than him!
Not to mention he loooks like a homosexual version of Gomez Adams.
Oh well, I know what "Enter Sandman" is really about. The desire to get it in the butt.

And just so you know "Sandman" is a pseudonym for Lar's cock.

Fuck this I'm out.


ps. Chris, I'm very proud of you. Yes. I'm being sincere.
MetalSteph said:
On the GW site now:

Gilby Clarke, All That Remains, Gov't Mule, Blue October, Dean limited-edition USA Schenker Brothers V guitar, GW Inquirer with Coheed and Cambria, GW readers in the spotlight and more! Betcha Can’t Play This with Chris Broderick


why is kirk hammet on an issue with 100 greatest guitar albums of all time....?

edit: lmao, i guess i should read every post before posting.... lol my bad...
Chris, I couldn't help notice when you move your pick to you thumb to tap, the pick stays on your finger. How do you do this? When I use 4 finger tapping i slide the pick up and hold it with the top of my thumb (where I'd usually hold it picking) and at the bottom knuckle of my index finger.
zak1 said:
Chris, I couldn't help notice when you move your pick to you thumb to tap, the pick stays on your finger. How do you do this? When I use 4 finger tapping i slide the pick up and hold it with the top of my thumb (where I'd usually hold it picking) and at the bottom knuckle of my index finger.
Hey Zac1,

I am experementing with thumb picks, though I'm not sold yet.