od pedal


Senior Fuckers
Dec 9, 2005
In Italy
Now is time for me to buy a good OD pedal, I think that I'll go with Maxon, but I must choose one of this two models:
1) Od 808
2) Od 9
What is for your opinio the best?
If you're asking for someone to compare the two from experience, then I'm not your guy, but I've been using the 808 for quite some time now and it sounds great to my ears. And, apparently Killswitch Engage uses the 808 if that means anything.
I don´t know how the other Maxon pedals sound, but i just got the Maxon od820 last week and it has really improved my sound big time, it made a much bigger difference to my sound than it did on the samples Andy posted, so if you want my advice go for the od820.
I'm confused now, the fact is that in Italy the maxon od 820 cost 245 euro, and the od 9 169.....
would it be asking too much if someone could record 2 samples, one with the pedal active and the other without it? I'd love to hear how does it affect the sound, as I am looking for an OD pedal too
Originally posted by Familia><Publica
anyone tried that maxon? It has a tube..woo woooo
Umm is a real expensive overdrive box!, but probably the quality is very good...I hope.....
I've been looking to try out a TS 808 or Maxon 808 for a while now and may purchase one soon.

I don't know where i'd put it in my chain though.

I use a peavey triple xxx head and a esp fitted with zakk wylde EMG's.
I normally have the gain on 5.

I don't know wether to put the OD pedal before or after my boss noise supresor. Seeing as I'm not quite playing arenas yet and still standing close to my amp or monitors at shows, I have my NS2 on full noise reduction and sometimes still get a little extra noise coming through.

If i put it before the NS2 it'll make the noise supresor a little less effective with a much higher signal going through, but if i put it after the noise supresor it may add a little extra hum or noise?

.......this post was pretty pointless ha
try the od in the loop of the ns2...at the end of your signal chain(if you have any other pedals that is)
apparently thats what the killswitch guys do, and it works just fine for me
greyskull said:
try the od in the loop of the ns2...at the end of your signal chain(if you have any other pedals that is)
apparently thats what the killswitch guys do, and it works just fine for me

Ok, cheers dude.

So something like:

Guitar -> TU2 -> Crybaby from Hell -> Noise Supresor -> Maxon 808 -> amp


Where'd you get your info from? I'm really interested in Killswitchs gear.
I wana know what string gage they use too