Odd venues


Jan 14, 2003
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What weird and wonderful venue locations have you been to for gigs? Last night was an odd one....went down with Vince to see Balance of Power at a rather cold Albert Bar on Southsea Pier!!! If you haven't checked these guys out before then you should...good stuff indeed. Their new album is only a tenner on their site and they'll even sign it for you!!!

So, anyone able to top a metal gig on a pier???
the munroe in liverpool, tiny tiny long pub, bearly room for the band never mind the instruments, saw from the ashes and evansece (cant spell the name, but they changed names cooza the whole evanessence shit! bastards and now they split
Hmmm... I once saw a lone guy doing REM covers to a backing track in a resteraunt in Ireland... does that count?
When we did our US tour last year we played the DTG fest at a venue in Denver called the Junkyard. Great name for a venue eh! Guess the surprise when we arrived outside - low and behold it was a junkyard alright. (They did have a cool vintage caddilac out back though)

The two guys running the show move out all the cars get a PA in and a way it goes - no stage - no bar - just alot of crusty american rockers, a shit load of beer, a shit load of drugs - a bit of sweat (although the way these guys throw beer around its not easy to see) and one hell of alot of engine grease!
Pure underground and one of the weirdest venues we've ever played.

Oh and alot of bleeding mosquitos! Damn biting insects! Great gig though! Apparently someone said we made her cry. HAHA!
