Oddest moment you have had with a fellow RCer

The strangest/only moment I had with any of you dicks was Cara's sig. Saw Man as Robot in person after he was being a dildo to me here and giggled inside at how little/dwarfish the tyke is. Almost as if he was assembled at the Fisher Price factory. Good guy though. Chromatose was kinda boring and Cara was quiet.

...in other news, fuck this thread. My girlfriend's the shit.
Really? I thought I was quite verbose at that party. I didn't upload 99% of the videos because I talked too much in them :loco:

Fisher Price, ppshh. Acie came free in a box of Lucky Charms.
I still wish I recorded a voicemail message that NAD left on my home phone when he was in NY ... by far the most bizarre thing.
It was something about him walking around his hotel, which was near Central Park, and some "people".
I don't remember if he asked me for cash or not?!?! :loco: :lol:
@Plastic - Btw, speaking of you, have you seen a doc for that thrush yet? You've had it for some time now. If a yeast infection gets into your bloodstream it can cause your organs to fail and KILL YOU. So, the longer it goes untreated, the greater the risk. Just don't want you to die or anything.
Thrush is metal. And my dentist told me I could completely eradicate it with massive tongue scraping techniques. I don't even know if I still have it or if it really even was thrush at all though. So bleh. I've seen some nasty thrush pics and mine looks nothing like that curd shite. The dentist lady only took a glance anyhow and you know how trustworthy college graduates are.....

anyway....post dem vids. I'm bored as shit, and wanna watch my first absinthe experience.
Oh so you just haven't been brushing your tongue.

Eh, videos are on my external hard drive and I don't feel like getting it out or messing with Youtube. One day maybe.
Well I also smoke a lot which impedes any type of oral healing. And I have a major gag reflex that makes me vomit and cry when I go back that far, but it doesn't get in the way of me eating popsicles so I'll be fine. ?!?!?

Honestly, I'd probably suck my own dick if such a thing were possible. I imagine that it would be half-terrible, half-awesome (I know what I like). I think I'd try it at least once, for kicks.
Theoretically, if your cock was about 11 inches long you could sit around all day licking the tip.

I know I would...well, your tip not mine. I guess that solves my gag issue.
Also odd but quite predictable was meeting Dodens and seeing how shy to the side of social anxiety he was after all his smack talking on the UM boards and AIM chat.

yeah he's the type isn't he. knowledgeable to the point of nerdery, talks the talk but don't walk the walk

i used to be that way five-ten years ago but i'm pretty cool these days

you can tell a lot about how internet people are in reality by checking out their posting, etc, once you have the experience of meeting a few internet folks