"Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says"

I't is very interesting
Like i said to my friend the other day. I'm afraid some big company is going to claim ownership on planets. seriously
I't is very interesting
Like i said to my friend the other day. I'm afraid some big company is going to claim ownership on planets. seriously
That star is 20 light years away. With todays technology that trip would last 100 000 years. So we shouldn't worry about that (unless we make contact with aliens who are kind enough to share they warp drive with us:lol:

red dwarfs are relatively "immortal" living hundreds of billions of years
The Universe is roughly 14 billion years old so how would they know how long a red dwarf lives? Just saying.
You'll be long gone before anyone even decides to ATTEMPT to go to a place like this. Don't worry.

Yes, but i actually not only think of my own ass.

At the rate our sickly consumption is going, we are going to need alternatives. We are depleting narural recources of millions the rate of what we can reproduce. you kindof have to belive in a future to, and not only for yourself.:saint:
I'm afraid some big company is going to claim ownership on planets. seriously

I claimed exclusive access to all unclaimed celestial bodies when I was four, and I really doubt that it doesn't take more than that.

Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me, although no one knows for sure if it's an accurate estimate.

At least we know he isn't guessing low...

I just wanted to post this in here as I've been following this closely, it's something I'm pretty into. Basically, the astronomer who has made the claim (self admitted) is not a biologist, nor do we yet have the capability to find out if there is life on the planet - and probably won't for a good while. The planet is simply too far away to make a "100%" claim. All we can do is speculate, which is all he is doing. The facts as of now are only that the planet seems to be in the perfect position to support life - not that it actually does. What he is doing is borderline media grandstanding on the tail end of his discovery...
I just wanted to post this in here as I've been following this closely, it's something I'm pretty into. Basically, the astronomer who has made the claim (self admitted) is not a biologist, nor do we yet have the capability to find out if there is life on the planet - and probably won't for a good while. The planet is simply too far away to make a "100%" claim. All we can do is speculate, which is all he is doing. The facts as of now are only that the planet seems to be in the perfect position to support life - not that it actually does. What he is doing is borderline media grandstanding on the tail end of his discovery...

Exactly, but still interesting none-the-less in my opinion.
I just want someone to find one that for sure has life so the creationist will shut the fuck up about the earth being so special and perfectly placed for us to live here specifically.

They'll probably just make some other outlandish claim but still. . .
Where are some aliens when you need them? I could use their help and they're out there stealing toothless rednecks and sticking things in their butt.
They will just counter it with: "But there's no intelligent life!", since scientists have already discovered basic lifeforms on Mars a long time ago.


Newly released photo!!! I thought they were gonna be blue cat people, I was way off.
Not to turn this into a religious thread. But i cant wait to hear the excuses if they find life on that planet.

I love this kind of stuff, i watch the history channel's The universe..... all the time.