Ode against Maiden's management

The Real Moonchild

Adolf Was My Dog
Jul 4, 2003
Look above arse!
Geez..how long will it take to fire Rod's ass and all the incompetent arses around him? Since the 90's most Maiden's management decisions have been poor to say the least.
Let me start with most recent events shall i?
- One of the problems today is the poor official website because Rod doesn't want to waste money on a decent website designer like he did on Brave New World. - The new album artwork is total crap, in fact any Maiden fan without designing knowledge could do a better one. All the mystery involved in the wolf and baby made before is disapointing. Why not having a full time official maiden artist that the fans like?
- Eddie's Archive. The LIMITED EDITION wasn't limited at all. People bought it for a excessive price when it was released and then ROD said: "Lets not limit EA anymore and put a lower price in it and the others that bought it first can fuck off"
- All the tour booking decisions are from ROD right? So where are those country's that have always had a concert on every album tour *cough Greece cough Portugal cough* and on the DOD tour they're are not there and what about breaking new ground on other countrys that have never seen Maiden? And the US setlist shortened are a piss poor contract made with Dio and Motorhead to remove classic 1h50m of a concert.
- The RE RE RE REMASTERS Of all the albuns are utter and puerile nonsense. Most of them aren't remastered at all, have bad prints, lyrics badly printed and have poor quality compared to the old ones. Only for the dumb collector to buy right?
- Who in their right mind lets Steve Harris mix and produce a album? Another great incompetent decision of ROD. Let them record alone in the barn is suicide.
- What about publicity in the US? It seems rod don't have the guts anymore to make a decent marketing through out the USA and cAnada. Brave New world is a very good album and it sold almost nothing there.

These errors made are destroying Maiden's reputation and a lot of "could be new fans". Please Quit rod!
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Certainly agree with some of it......maybe Rod's been at it too long?
Bit like fucking the same woman for 40 years - you wouldn't be doing it as well at year 40 as you were in year 5.......
Nightwing said:
Certainly agree with some of it......maybe Rod's been at it too long?
Bit like fucking the same woman for 40 years - you wouldn't be doing it as well at year 40 as you were in year 5.......
What everyone agrees with me? There are no sheeps here? thats odddd.
The Real Moonchild said:
Geez..how long will it take to fire Rod's ass and all the incompetent arses around him? Since the 90's most Maiden's management decisions have been poor to say the least.
Let me start with most recent events shall i?
- One of the problems today is the poor official website because Rod doesn't want to waste money on a decent website designer like he did on Brave New World.

I like the new site. It's way easier to nivigate than the old one, and that's what sites are all about. It may not look quite as pretty, but it doesn't use all that Flash crap for its menus anymore, and it's still not too bad.

The Real Moonchild said:
- The new album artwork is total crap, in fact any Maiden fan without designing knowledge could do a better one. All the mystery involved in the wolf and baby made before is disapointing. Why not having a full time official maiden artist that the fans like?

I agree. The new cover is a travesty. Although they did have an official artist. His name was Derek Riggs.

The Real Moonchild said:
- Eddie's Archive. The LIMITED EDITION wasn't limited at all. People bought it for a excessive price when it was released and then ROD said: "Lets not limit EA anymore and put a lower price in it and the others that bought it first can fuck off"


The Real Moonchild said:
- All the tour booking decisions are from ROD right? So where are those country's that have always had a concert on every album tour *cough Greece cough Portugal cough* and on the DOD tour they're are not there and what about breaking new ground on other countrys that have never seen Maiden? And the US setlist shortened are a piss poor contract made with Dio and Motorhead to remove classic 1h50m of a concert.

*cough Australia cough*. We haven't seen 'em since '92, and before that it was '85, so don't start whining about how you lot only get to see them every two tours. And for that reason, I feel no sympathy for you and your shortened setlists. :D

The Real Moonchild said:
- The RE RE RE REMASTERS Of all the albuns are utter and puerile nonsense. Most of them aren't remastered at all, have bad prints, lyrics badly printed and have poor quality compared to the old ones. Only for the dumb collector to buy right?

Yep. The only I've bought is the first LAD re-issue, because it had side 4 with it. However, I'm of the understaning that this isn't totally a Maiden issue. They've changed labels (maybe just in the States or something, I think) a few times in the last decade or so, so the new labels have seen an opportunity to cash in on the back catalog that they've just got access too.

The Real Moonchild said:
- Who in their right mind lets Steve Harris mix and produce a album? Another great incompetent decision of ROD. Let them record alone in the barn is suicide.

They've obviously got over this. DOD and BNW were recorded in a proper studio with a proper producer. I'd pick on things that weren't fixed 4 years ago if I was going to pick on stuff.

The Real Moonchild said:
- What about publicity in the US? It seems rod don't have the guts anymore to make a decent marketing through out the USA and cAnada. Brave New world is a very good album and it sold almost nothing there.

I'm gonna unleash another "Australia" here. Back when BNW was released, the Maiden Downunder Unoffical Fanclub was still going strong, and the ONLY publicity we got down here were the flyers that WE distributed around the place. EMI Australia did supply them, but we gave them out, in the hopes that we'd augment the official marketing and show how keen we were for a tour. The tour didn't happen, so now MD has been relegated to a bulletin board.

The Real Moonchild said:
These errors made are destroying Maiden's reputation and a lot of "could be new fans". Please Quit rod!

I don't think it's loosing any new fans (new fans won't care about a million re-releases), but it is disillusioning a lot of the old ones.
I don't think it was Rod's decision to have Steve involved in the album production. At the end of the day, Steve pulls the strings in the band so I say most, if not ALL the problems you have are down to him.
Is that a sheep response?
Also, the editing on the Donington 1992 video is shite - that must be Rod's fault.