
He's awesome! And I am not partial at all...LOL. I have the best brother(s) a girl could ever wish for, and Johan is also definitively the best uncle, ever, as far as my kids are concerned. They've spent the last week and a half trying to out-do him in the art of rollercoaster riding, watersliding and other harrowing ordeals, while my husband is trying to introduce him to all manner of alcohol but he's hanging in there with a huge grin on his face. As for myself, I am taking him to a big Norse recreation weekend-war this upcoming weekend. We'll see if we both live... No sleep allowed, lots of booze and two big battles and a few tourneys in store. Beseeeeerk!!!

Anyhow, seriously, I don't ever try to speak on Johan's behalf, so what you see here are my personal opinions and interpretations of things. There are times when I could, and do, ask him about things we discuss on the forum, but that's between he and I, or between you and him. That's all kind of OT, but just to clarify my position on the Oden/Odin issue. I personally use Oden, because I am born and raised in Sweden. Make sense?
Tyra said:
... I am taking him to a big Norse recreation weekend-war this upcoming weekend. ...

How is it that there is never anything like this where I live!!!! :( There is one place I would like to go tho, its In Malmo. Apparently there is a reconstituated (spelling?) Viking village there where you can eat traditional meals and all!!!!
Yeah, it's neat. A friend of mine works there every year in the summer.

The one we're going to is just a place where we set up in the sticks and let loose with merchants and war and all. Kind of like Kaupang in the iron age - it's there in the summer but then it just vanishes in the fall to come back again next summer. This is the opening weekend. We usually expect about 1500 people, so I hope we have a good turnout for Johan's sake.
People forgot Wothanaz... So they tell me that his name means fury ("Wotan - id est furor") - does that mean that his name is related to german "wut" - anger/fury? Probably, right? And a question: "Grimm(nir)" - what does this mean (grim?). Is it a name for Oden only or can mere mortals also bear this name? Always liked it...
Wednesday is also named after Odin/Oden/Woden/Wotan however you spell it.
That's what i learned in English class at least.
Thursday is also Thor's Day.
So every Wednesday you should celebrate with a nice feast.
Well, if you're strictly into Oden, yes. That would make you an odinist. Otherwise, if you are asatru, every day is equally as holy as the other, because asatruar celebrate all the Gods and the Goddesses equally.
"Hail the Aesir
and the Asynjas!
Hail earth who gives to all.
And bestow on us
goodly speech, wit and healing hands
while we live"
(from Sigrdrifa)
In other words, celebrate every day. Die without regrets.