Yeah! I got a promo!
And I want to share this will all of you - I could post the mp3s online, but I wont, because I encourage you all to support this great band!
Anyway, I wrote a Dutch review for my metal e-zine HERE. Let me translate it to english for you;

Anyway, I wrote a Dutch review for my metal e-zine HERE. Let me translate it to english for you;
Amon Amarth is mostly known to the mainstream metalhead as quite listenable deathmetal - mostly because of "Versus The World". But, Amon Amarth is returning to their roots, more black metal influences. And it fucking rules!
Though the first track "Valhall Awaits Me" kinda sounds boring in the beginning, it transforms into a beautiful heavy song with a bunch great sing-along pieces. "Runes To My Memory", which most of you already know, has somewhat more aggression in it, but also the strong emotion is still their, which gives me goosebumps. Though we hear the real transformation in the 3th track; "Asator", its faster, harder, louder and the vocals sound way more blackmetal-ish. Talking about the vocals; Holy album! What has happened to Johan?! His vocals are só much powerfull, so much better then ever!
Not to forget are the titlesong "With Oden On Our Side" and "Under The Northern Star". The first, "With Oden..", sounds delicious! Its full of power, see it as a new version of "Versus The World", but better! And for the real Heathens out there; more goosbumps on its way! This song is all about the pagan pride!
The second, "Under The Northern Star", is not be compared with anything else, its really suprising. But don't worry, its still Amon Amarth, its still the metal we all so adore. But there are higher tones and its relativly slow in tempo, but its still a fantastic song (not to speak about the freakin' awesome solo!)
PS for the real Heathens; Prepare for "Prediction Of Warfare"! Its a feast of recognition! And for all metalheads; its just one of the other over-the-top, fuckin awesome song!
Amon Amarth is changing. Don't expect a Verus The World II. A own, unique style is created and hopefully followed in the future. The die hard AA-fans (which I am speaking to) which really loved "Once Sent From The Golden Hall" will get the same goosebumps and thrills down their spines, just like I did!