

God of the Noth
Nov 8, 2001
This is my own band, it's just me acutally. I have done three songs so far. It's nothing really special I just think it's fun to know what people think about it :). The songs are recorded with Cool Edit and the instruments are my guitar and drumms from Fruity Loops :) and it's me singing and growling.

Here are the lyrics of my songs first in swedish then in english.


På den nattklara himlen
Stjärntecken framför mig
Talar till mig
Med ett språk från outgrundliga tider

Dess saga har berättatts
I urminnes tider
Om det som engång varit
Om det som en gång ska bli

Era koplexa mönster
Ger oss ledning i mörker
Era koplexa mönster
Ger oss ledning i mörker

Stjärna som falla
Är ett liv som gått
Som en tråd i ett nätt
Spelad av ödets symfoni

Över moln ni ser oss
Med öga av eld
I den djupa rymden
Ni vila tills er tid är svuren

Era koplexa mönster
Ger oss ledning i mörker
Era koplexa mönster
Ger oss ledning i mörker


On the clear night sky
Constellations Before me
Talking to me
With a language from anceint times

Its story has been told
Since anceint times
About what once have been
About what will be

Your complex patterns
Gives us guidance through the dark
Your complex patterns
Gives us guidance through the dark

Star that falls
Is a life that have passed
Like a thread in a net
Played by the destiny's symphony

Over the clouds you see us
With eye of fire
In the deep space
You rest 'til your time is gone

Your complex patterns
Gives us guidance through the dark
Your complex patterns
Gives us guidance through the dark

Moss och sten

Över moss och seten du springa
Med fötter bara och lena
Se morgondaggen på dess blad
Hur den glänser i morgonsolen

Hör den första fågelsången
Dess ljuva toner mot ditt öra
Du ser den flyga mot himlen
Med dess fjäderburna vingar

Kom, kom ska du få höra
En saga viskandes i örat
Om vacker sagonatur
Som var i tidernas bejynelse

Den fuktiga vätan i gräset
Känn den smeka din fot
När du nu vandra
Mot det du engång visste

Moss and Stone

Over moss and stone you run
With feets bare and smooth
See the morning dew on its leafs
How it is shining in the morning sun

Hear the first singing of birds
Its sweet tones to your ear
You see it rise to the sky
With its feather brown wings

Come, come and you will hear
a tale whispered to your ear
About beatutiful nature in tales
That was the beginning of time

The wet in the grass
Feel it touch your foot
When you walk
to what you once have known

En Saga

Kom, kom ska du få höra
En saga viskandes i örat
Om vacker sagonatur
Som var i tidernas bejynelse

A Tale

Come, come and you will hear
a tale whispered to your ear
About beatutiful nature in tales
That was the beginning of time

Maby it's not a very good translation but something like this it should be :)
I have finnished the last song on the "demo". you can download it from my site

and here is the lyrics both in swedish and english


Ser solen dala
Bortom horisonten
Molnens brinnande färg
Mitt sinne väcka

Solen den röda
Den som borta är
Kvar är liten glöd
På det lilla moln

Mörkret omfamnar
Det är Nattetimma
Känn den svala kylan
Det är Nattetimma

Se molnen skingra
För att välkomna natten
På den klara himlen
Dess lycktor lysa

Mot den vita glob
Jag nu min blicka
Känna mitt vargasinne
till liv väcka

Mörkret omfamnar
Det är Nattetimma
Känn den svala kylan
Det är Nattetimma


See the sun fall
beyond the horizon
the coulds burning color
my sense wake

The sun of red
gone that is
left this líttle glow
on this little cloud

Darkness embrace
It is Nighthour
Feel the gently cold
It is Nighthour

See the clouds disperse
to welcome the night
on the clear sky
it's lanterns shine

At the wite globe
I now look
feeling my wolfesense
to live wake

Darkness embrace
It is Nighthour
Feel the gently cold
It is Nighthour
Thanks for the translations!!!!!!!!! I really like the lyrics of the song 'Stars' but all the others' are fine too.

The new song is as good as the others.

Btw, what kind of music do u listen? What kind of music inspired you?
I listen to pretty mutch but right now I listen to Finntroll and Vintersorg mutch, but I also listen to bands like Blind Guarian, Iced Earth, Gamma Ray, Freedom Call, Borknagar, Opeth, Amon Amarth and also musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Cats and Hair.