What do you think of this mix?

Production wise it sounds pretty dead on.

Drums - I'd personally back off a little bit on the volume of the kick drums because they sorta overpower everything on my speakers when they go into the speedy double bass sections. I would try to program in some tom fills for the transition parts. At 2:23 it could be spiced up with a good tom fill right there. I know that this is very hard to do, especially with sampled drums but I think it'd make the drums sound a little bit more human. The ending section (last 30 seconds) too sounds like its dying for some wicked drum / tom fills there. Overall I like how the drums sound especially since they're programmed.

Vocals - Sound pretty good, front and center in the mix. I like how you pull off some of the lines.. The 'chorus' section sounds kinda pieced together, but that passes off as a 'dueling vocals' type feel. Don't really have much else to say, they fit the song very well.

Guitar - Solid riffing here. My only complaint is that the guitars sound beefy but sterile (due to the Digitech pedal?). I'd try to play with the tones a bit to try and get a more warm brutal tone out of the pedal, but I don't know much about Digitech equipment so I don't know what its capabilities are.

Great recording though.. I'd like to hear one with real drums, bass, and guitars going through a tube amp! Thanks for sharing it.
kinda funny, I used to put out my solo stuff under the name "Enmity". Thanks for the comments. I agree with everything about the drums. Programmed drums suck, period. I just try to get as brutal of a sound as possible without going too far into the real-drummer-wouldn't-do-that area.

Guitar sound...yeah, the sterility comes from the direct-to-PC recording. I tried using my marshall vs-100 into the sm-58 quadruple tracked on 25% gain, and that worked decently, but the Digitech sound still kicks its ass. Plus, I can use less tracks for the same amount of heaviness. I really wish I had the equipment and the band to really dig in to this song, but my resources are quite limited and musicians are scarce.

"Great recording though.. I'd like to hear one with real drums, bass, and guitars going through a tube amp! Thanks for sharing it."

Thanks. I'd like to hear it with real drums and bass as well :)
The production is very good for being a one man operation. Obviously one guy without drums isn't going to sound great but you did the best you could've with the resources. I don't like the vocals but they still sound pretty good, as in, I wouldn't be surprised if those were the vocals of a successful band. In terms of the songwriting, I don't like the style but that's just me, I'm sure a lot of people would like it. My advice to you would be if you wanted to get serious about your music (and I'm only judging from this one song) try to find a more unique sound. It's good but it sounds to me like it's all been done before. And sorry about me rambling....back to the production... very excellent.