My Behind Space '99 cover

HeadCrusher: Use the factory 'solo' preset for leads, 'rectify' for rhythm 1, and 'scoop' for rhythm 2, then put a lot of compression and a bit of EQ on it, and you'll be pretty close to my sound. Also, Speaker compensation is on.

Dead Eternity:, what did you find wrong with the solo?
You missed a couple of notes in the beginning of the faster part of the solo.. Also some notes are a bit badly timed.. That's pretty much it. You should work on hitting all the notes perfectly instead of hitting them very fast.

Now... don't get upset because this was actually an attempt at constructive criticism.. It's just that I don't think I'm very good at it.. it just sounds like I'm bitching.. or something..
Hmmm...Technically quite well done, only a few notes seemed off. My only problem is that its a little...generic. IMHO, covers are a lot more interesting when they take a song and play with it a little- personalize it. The Genesis cover from Trigger (Land of Confusion) was fun because of that.
Everlost: don't worry, Shard's a good guy, he won't get upset at constructive criticism. Besides, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, right?

AlphaTemplar: I agree with you, but you should see what happens when he puts up his Opeth covers on that forum. Most of the time people complain that they're not close enough to the original, and the rest complain that they're not "individualized" enough. Those guys can be so hard to please...
Jesus christ, this fuckin' thread is still on the first page after almost two months! You guys need to find more ways to bash IF ;)

And Lunar Strain fucking _owns_ STYE :p
