Of all fevers and plague


I dip my forefinger...
Mar 20, 2006
...in the watery blood
Blessed are the sick

This thread is for the talk of the sickness.

Otherwise, I am quite healthy, however, I, nevertheless, found out (through my own research, nonetheless) that I have intolerance to dairy products. Additionally, I am intolerant to citric acid and also wheat. :ill:
While not necessarily your problem, many people have found that what they thought was an intolerance to dairy was an intolerance to the pastuerization, and that they had no problem with raw milk/products made from raw milk.
Pastuerization is probably one of the most over-rated food processing practices ever. It destroys the majority of the benefits of milk just so it will last a little longer on the shelf.
I'm so glad you let us know, I just don't know how I could of lived without knowing that you of all people is intolerant of citrus acid, dairy products and wheat.
Well apparently all my problems lately are due to my septum not being straight, thus causing me to mouth breathe more, thus causing my throat to fuck up, and somehow related are my bloody noses.
I've had a severe sore throat for the past week and a half and it's not strep
Well apparently all my problems lately are due to my septum not being straight, thus causing me to mouth breathe more, thus causing my throat to fuck up, and somehow related are my bloody noses.

I am sure that I have a significantly deviated septum. I find it hard to breathe from my nose or mouth most of the time and I don't think ever reach a normal lung capacity.
While not necessarily your problem, many people have found that what they thought was an intolerance to dairy was an intolerance to the pastuerization, and that they had no problem with raw milk/products made from raw milk.
Pastuerization is probably one of the most over-rated food processing practices ever. It destroys the majority of the benefits of milk just so it will last a little longer on the shelf.

If it has any lactose at all it will make me sick. I know that most types of yogurt don't have any lactose but they are pasteurized I believe, I don't think I have been sick after eating yogurt.
Yogurt is created by a fermentation/process which changes the character of the lactose to lactic acid.

It's possible to be lactose intolerant, but I everyone I have known that thought they were eventually found out they could drink raw milk with no problem. The FDA thinks raw milk is the devil, but people have been drinking it for millenia with no issue.

Pastuerization is a protected practice because it increases profit for the large dairy farms, but it kills the majority of the good stuff in milk.
For some reason I'm getting a cold sore for the second time within two/three weeks, its fucking retarded. I usually get one once or twice a year, but this is ridiculous.
I haven't been sick since high school (7+ years ago). I haven't even had a hint of a cold since then. Whatever those drugs were the Marine Corps was shooting me up are still having an affect on me.
I'm probably going to die of cancer and obesity if I keep up my current lifestyle, but at least I've started exercising daily and sleeping a proper amount every night.

Other than that and a twisted ankle I never get sick.
I'm fine, but my best friend's mom has severe type 1 diabetes complications, and his grandfather that lives with them has stomach cancer.
I've got a hyper-coagulation disorder(spontaneous clotting of blood); it's genetic- caused by some gene mutation so I've gotta get routine blood tests every two/three weeks and take some pills(basically for life).
I actually was given some raw milk the other day, but have been afraid to drink it. I'm going to try it, but if I get ill, I will find you and kill you Dakryn.

Well as long it was from a good source and not some sickness infested rotten operation, and wasn't left out of a fridge forever, you shouldn't have a problem.