Of all fevers and plague

Never did happen. My wife dumped the shit before I could drink it, because she got paranoid after seeing something about the health benefits of pasteurization in her microbiology class. I generally don't care for milk, but I was curious and wanted to try it. Oh well...
The only health benefits of pasteurization would come from making shitty milk drinkable.
Pasteurization ruins good milk. Your wife is not on a win streak this week. Your pc and now this. It can basically be compared to anti-biotics. They kill good and bad stuff in you, but it's worth it if you are really sick to take them for a short time. Taking them while you are not sick is just dumb and does nothing but hurt you.
I was getting these really bad headaches about two summers ago and my mum thought it was Meningitis. Turned out it was only a temporary problem with my sinuses. I had to get a brain scan and when we went back to go over the results with the doctor, they mixed up my medical file with a guy called Levi.

On another note, I haven't thrown up in about two years.
You mean sinuses. Sinus headaches are really terrible. Painkillers won't even ease the pain.
At the moment, i'm having liver problems, because of the chemo drugs i'm taking. I'm having bloating in my stomach. It only gets better when i eat some food.