Of Mice And Men - The Flood

Question for Joey:
Why did Of Mice & Men decide to go to Drop C for this album? I felt as though C# really matched their style of playing and it especially matched with Austin's screams.

all my bands just get lower and lower with tuning every album. its a product of trend and conformity unfortunately. it also makes it easier for the singer and makes the band sound heavier. so there ya go.

if you ask me, i think sylosis is heavier than most of this shit, and they play in standard. they're doing it right. :worship:
I agree that you don't need to be tuned heavy to be heavy.
I also agree with you don't need to be heavy in Double Drop D.
He's good, no doubt. I will admit though I didn't really enjoy his melodies in the songs on this album though.
I had a really long car ride home for thanksgiving, and I ended up having a mix CD of a bunch of Joey bands, WCAR's new CD, this, and a few others.
i've gotta say, I thought this CD was good when I first listened. But holy, shit, when putting it side by side with WCAR's new CD, damn. I think this is probably Joey's best release of the year. Go give this CD a listen if you haven't yet, and if you have go listen through again!

And, also, there is some weird element of clairity that I can't explain with this album that I absolutely love. and we all love the bass tone. Looks like it's gonna be a while before I stop listening to this one.
OM&M is definitely my favorite Joey-produced band. They just seem to have a better sense of songwriting and riff-writing than some of the other bands. And the production, of course, is insane.

Also, in Purified, during the verses, am I the only one that hears a little Dream Theater influence?
They just seem to have a better sense of songwriting and riff-writing

Am I the only one that hears a little Dream Theater influence?

Probably, given that Joey writes virtually all their music.

The clanky basstone is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice!!!
I think this is one of my favourite Sturgis productions!!! =)
The bass tone on The Flood by Of Mine & Men seriously blows me away, just how can I get the bass so it seriously pumps during breakdowns like around 0:31 and 1:07? I'm using POD Farm 2 for bass btw.

I'd say it's just his usual Nigel and then automated. Probably some sans-amp on there.....but who knows. I just make 2 identical bass tracks and cut the choruses, verses, breakdowns or any other part I might want a different emphasis on the bass.....use one channel for the 1 or 2dbs difference for when you want it louder and use the other for the consistent level. That way you dont have to go through and automate so much. Just cut and paste according to the level you want/need. Does that make sense?