Of Mice & Men - Second & Sebring DIs etc


Dec 6, 2010
Hey guys,

I found an old file I never got the chance to mess around with. Covered a small part of this song over a year ago when my prior band supported these guys. The playing is pretty sketchy and the ending went askew at the tempo change when exporting the guitars... But the main idea is there...

180 BPM

Everything should be fine to import into a session straight up. If not, tell me.

Hope you guys can make use of them :)

Some feedback on my quick mix would be appreciated.


https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41223073/Of Mice & Men - Second & Sebring DIs etc - SafeHouseRecordings.zip

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Here's my try:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5213028/of mcie and men.mp3

I think my guitartone is pretty similiar to the album version von second & sebring. I use my Axefx Recto New model with a recto cab and a TS808 in front of it. And some post EQ in Logic. Drummix isn't finished yet, so please only listen to the guitars :D

Hope you like it and thank you for DIs!

I'll post a clip of my finished Mix tomorrow evening :)