Off the beaten track: Other recent spins


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Shining- Blackjazz: Weirdo black metal with tons of "jazz." For me, it's a bit like listening to Unexpect. The music is all over the place and impressive as hell, yet makes my head hurt. The vocals should be treated as an instrument as they basically suck otherwise.

Enid- Munsalvaesche: They call themselves "German Medieval Metal." It's got a bit of everything including symphonics, folky interludes, and some slower metal bits thrown in. The vocals aren't too bad either.

Taste of Tears- Once Human: Progressive death metal from the Swiss. Music is a bit complex. Crappy death vocals that actually sound decent when the Crash Test Dummies vocals duet kicks in.

Paradise Inc- Time: AoR/Melodic metal that was good, but a notch below the big hitters of the past year. Vocals come from the guy from Evidence One and Doogie White guests on one track:

Midnight Odyssesy- Tears of Starfire: Ambient black metal. I really have to be in the mood for it. Vox is buried in the mix so that helps.

Descending- New Death Celebrity: I thought I was going to get thrash, but got the European version of all the shit that is popular with the kids here. Guitarist smokes though.

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The prog group Enid I'm familiar with is pretty different from this one. I hate band name overalap. I like the clip though. It's more in line with my listening lately.