Off to buy a suit, gahhhhhhhhh

Ugh, so the moment has arrived. In 3 hours I have to go to work for a goat damn 1 hour photo shoot, followed by a mummer's farce of an award's ceremony, concluded by an alcohol free reception. All this hassle of buying a suit, taking 16 hours of vacation, being put in an awkward social situation, yadda yadda, because my ass f supervisor thinks I'm a model worker who needs to be honored. I wasn't fishing for this, and simply do my job as it's supposed to be done. No less, no more. I guess when you work in a department where you have a 13.2 literacy rate, you're going to be cast out on to the pyre. Dorian, fly over here and be my stand-in.
oh fuck ... congrats dude! ... why didn't you say before?

you can take solace that kneegrows will be clapping for YOU!
three hours? This event is about to go down in real time.
Is there a webcamera link?
It honestly wasn't as bad as I was expecting, aside from the glorified mug shot photo shoot. Finally got to meet the President of the organization, received a nifty orb like award called the Vasa, and received 5bills post tax for being krieg and caring. About 2 hours in, split out the back after I snatched a cup of punch. I spent more time in traffic than I did at the whole affair. I didn't make mention of the whole fiasco on this forum Aurel, as what I do for a living can be done by a monkey. This type of recognition should be reserved for those who actually do something aside from surfing RC at their work station. Nevertheless, the kudos are appreciated.
Co-Worker just made me privy to a discussion that took place between some other peers after my Pulitzer was announced.

Fat 40yr Old Virgin Co-Worker: Who Nominated Him?
Try hard titless gook Co-Worker: Our supervisor, I don't get it, I don't see it.
40yr Old Virgin: I would have got it myself, but I just got a write up.

Fucking hypocrites, the gook in question brought 3 Marie Calendar pies to congratulate me the day after. How about just rubbing your grey cunt on my chin, and tell me how you really feel.