Off Topic: Help Me With My Book

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
I am going to write a book about two vampire clans at war with one another. One is more on the good side and the other on the evil side. One only kills for food and the other kills for the sake of killing. I need help coming up with the names of the two clans. Any ideas?
.....Darren Shan series much?? K but whatever I don't blame you man vampires own :) I'll try to think of something...horde and alliance! chaos and order! haha sorry I'll actually try here, writing books is really fun.
we've had book threads before but they were quickly deleted. sorry dude.
I am going to write a book about two vampire clans at war with one another. One is more on the good side and the other on the evil side. One only kills for food and the other kills for the sake of killing. I need help coming up with the names of the two clans. Any ideas?
like that series of movies Underworld? I know it's not the same, but close enough. Or any of the others... I don't mean to stop you from doing this topic, just a caution (which you are probably aware of) that it's already been done a million times.
Fucking shit, what an unoriginal topic. Darren Shan books are okay, but what you're talking about is just pure plagarism.
It's simply unoriginal.

You'd have to be one heck of a writer to make that interesting as it's pretty much been done before (and more than once).

But if you have an interesting and surprising story going with it, it could work.

Besides, if you can't even come up with names for the clans... I think you are already screwed. Try to come up with some kind of history for the clans and maybe the name would come from something that happened in the past. Say... It could be the name of the first leader of the clan or whatever.
In general, unless you plan to be Danielle Steele and write the same book a hundred times with a slightly different cover scheme, you're going to have to be more original. While she's probably making a shitload of money, she's not going to be remembered in the literary canon. That's typically how the tradeoff goes, you write pulp shite, you get famous now, or nobody cares about you. You write excellent stuff, you don't get any attention until 50 years after you're dead. But then they love you forever.

But I digress, if you want to write well, you should write often. Just like other disciplines, you improve with exercize. Write a lot of short stories, write a lot of characters, scenarios, etc. When one of them seems like a winner, expand on it. Develop your epic. An excellent resource on writing, authorship, the process of publishing, and work in the fantasy/SF world is Gene Wolfe's "Castle Of Days". The entire second half of this book is dedicated to his extensive advice to would-be authors, from the perspective of his personal experiences and those in the field. And he has a LOT of experience. I'd easily recommend it above any "For Dummies" book. Because Dummies don't write well.

So to be short, you should practice, and it will come to you. And at least try to be somewhat original.
You could call the one clan the Lycans, and the other clan the Death Dealers. These would be the vampires who hunt down the Lycans. You could have a main character like a girl vampire who has become a "Death Dealer", or Lycan hunter, due to her hatred for the whole species. She finds herself attracted to a human man who is being targeted by the Lycans. After the man is bitten by a Lycan, girl must decide whether to do her "duty" and kill him or go against her clan and save him.

I'm thinking you could call this something like...... Overland


Or maybe it could be more like this:
