Off Topic: Question about laughter.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Sorry again for the off topic thread, but I figured I'd interrupt the constant Nevermore chat with some friendly conversation... I hope it is ok.

Is it possible to taste blood from laughing too much?

Thank you for any reply.

William Lawrence Bozarth.
How about we switch normal bodypart's functions while we're at it...

Switch the ass with the mouth for a start, then you'd have to eat while wiggling your ass on the plates. Imagine if you're like, very very hungry.. lol *sits on food, fast wiggle smear wiggle wiggle smear*

I'm not even starting for when you need to shit.. oh shit
Is it weird if your just sitting there and all of a sudden it feels like your rib cage stabbed one of your lungs?
If you are the sort of person who laughs (or sneezes) violently enough to spike your blood pressure (i.e. your hands hurt afterwards), then I would say a certain amount of capillary rupture is to be expected, and you might indeed taste blood.
Assuming this is serious then yes it's possible if you rough up your throat (more commonly) or you had some preexisting and serious stomach issues.