Off topic, still musical...


grounded, yet flighty
Oct 24, 2002
Alameda, California
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Re other bands, other shows...did anyone catch any of Marillion's shows, and if so, what did you think?

There are a few interesting gigs coming up in the SF Bay Area. Papa Jim of Calprog/Dividing Line fame put out a blurb about the Whittier date for The Musical Box playing "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway", and the SF date is 12/5 I believe, at the Masonic in SF.

I see that also at the Masonic, next Friday, is Rite (or Rites?) of Strings, with Jean-Luc Ponty, Al diMeola and Stanley Clarke. Would love to hear what fellow Enchanteds think/thought of these or any other shows.

Haven't had many 'live' musical experiences lately (awaiting a LAL DVD release 3 1/2 hour show...hint...hint...) so I, for one. would love to hear what you all have been catching live, so to speak. :Spin:

A friend of mine is going to be really old next Saturday, so he's taking a bunch of us to the Bridge School Benefit to dull the sting a bit! First time for Neil Young...and a Beatle, too...should be interesting!

Viadragon, living vicariously until the real thing...:loco:
I saw Marillion in Germany. It was my first gig and I loved it. H is an interesting front man to watch.

Jürgen (who'll be seeing The Flower Kings tonight, yeah!)
I also saw Marillion in DC last week. Even though I still really dont think Marbles is all that good except for a few tunes; in a live setting, they were great. They definitely put on a very good show, and Hogarth is much more confident as the frontman. Even though it was better that I knew ahead of time, I still was disappointed they didnt played a few Clutching, or Misplaced Childhood tunes. Musicallly, I felt that is their strongest output. But overall, I was very pleased.

I also it was cool to see another Enchant fan at the show, Bill. Thanks for the beer and hanging out. If you still are interested in IQ, send me an email: Definitely worth checking out.

The Musical Box is also playing nearby me in December, and I plan on checking them out. Always wish I could have experienced a Lamb show, but MB looks like they are an excellent reproduction of the show. Anybody have seen them?

Caught the Marillion show at the House of Blues in Hollywood last month. I still kind of agree with Jim, Marbles is not my favorite M album, but it came off pretty well live. I'm really looking forward to their convention next year. Any others on this list go to the Marillion conventions?

Anyway, I'll have some photos from the gig up on my website within a month (he says with fingers crossed! o_O ).

Take care all......
I've been a Marillion fan since 1982. I saw them at the Guildford Civic Hall (in England) in early '83, on the first 'Script For a Jester's Tear' tour. Personally I prefer Steve Hogarth to Fish, but I was a fan of Steve's work, when he played in The Europeans, WAAAY before he joined Marillion. :worship: :worship: