Offical Bloodrunk Radio Show on Ylex Thread

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Actually it's really good song, that's what progressiveness brings, more listens to get inside.

Yeah and I have to say I think it might get abit better than In your face, althrough it's not as good as Deadnightwarrior, Downfall, Hate me!, Needled 24/7 or Trashed, lost & Strungout. It's just too colorless (I know it would feel like something else if the album cover was different color...)

Offtopic: anyway, I'll just consider that the album cover has a white sky behind the "curtains" so that I get some depth to the songs :lol: And I'm satisfied with the color themes, secondlol:lol:
Yeah i think i have Heartless's one. that one is by far the best quality. I also just ordered the digi-pack blooddrunk album :kickass:
Reminds me of LoG & Norther somehow... it sounds fresh to me from bodom and i definetely love the keyboards. :)
okay, one thing I noticed about the song:
with a chorus like that it's really weird choice for a single
The best quality version of BD I have is 9.32MB, 04:04 in length, has the album title as "---" and the year as "2007" for some reason. I dno who uploaded it but it's better than the other 5 I have. Thanks to that man!
Well i think that my apathy toward the new album is slowly dying. "Blooddrunk" is a very kick ass song. Its got a little bit of everything in it. Great keyboards,Heavy Riffs,Killer Solos,and some cool vocals. I've listened to it like 4 times since 9 today. I'm pretty satisfied. I'm still not gonna get overly excited about the album. But i expect a little bit more from it now,based on "Banned From Heaven" and "Blooddrunk"
^Well they said it's not catchy as AYDY and has less hits, but I like it a lot. There's one riff in the middle of the song that must have been a hell to record and I definitely want to see someone play it. It's around 2:20 in Corny's version (the 9MB one).

Actually it's really good song, that's what progressiveness brings, more listens to get inside.

QFT :kickass::kickass:

The best quality version of BD I have is 9.32MB, 04:04 in length, has the album title as "---" and the year as "2007" for some reason. I dno who uploaded it but it's better than the other 5 I have. Thanks to that man!

That's Corny's version:). And the best CCR one is IMO Slash Hammet's one. And the quickest to be online Joe's, :lol:

No oppinions on the CCR cover song??! I liked it, it was funny with the banjo and everything! :D

Same thoughts here :kickass:x10
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