Offical Thread for Nikki's b00bs, who are ladies of beauty!

LR and I live closer to Mima than Black Core.

We win!:p :kickass:
MrFast is ready and willing as well...
Black Core is obsessive and has mental issues. Whereas you don't, so you win again!
I at least believe I only have a neurological "disorder", which MrFast is intrigued by.
Söy;6238618 said:
black core is jealous that mima is a self-proclaimed member of my fanclub, her words, not mine.

oh and nikki..

bring LR on your beach vacation with Steve-A :p
That's part of the plan! As long as I can pull off taking a few days away from school.
Söy;6238633 said:
yeah. ill need someone to talk to when you dissappear.
:lol: I know... I'm gonna have to give my wife "the talk" regarding boys soon. She's not familiar with the Tarzan and Jane roleplay. She's used to Jane on Jane. :p
or just go to the beach; plenty of bikini clad women there anyways