Office Holiday Party

a talent show sounds like a nightmare, now that 'im mulling the idea over. what a living hell. do you drag your wife to these things? that seems a little unfair.
my yearly review is in january. if i dont get a raise i am going to work until i save $9,000 and then bolt without notice.

me = bitch.
speaking of office parties, i went to a party this weekend thrown by a girl from work who just recently quit. i only knew 1 other person from work (other than her) when i showed up, and he left to watch a cover band that wears mullet wigs called joe dirt.
i stayed a little while and talked to her crappy friends and then a couple people i sort of knew from work showed up including a guy who got really drunk at an office happy hour one time and grabbed a coworker's boob. then the hostess girl joked to some guy i didn't know that i was gay and i totally played it up and tried to get this other girl a date by freaking him out and having her pick up the pieces. she totally dropped the ball, though, and didn't close the deal so i severed our courtship team.

then i watched people feed the dog like 50 soft pretzels and i think someone started giving it beer, so it probably exploded or something the next morning.

then i went home. keg beer sucks.
talent show = pain. people have some basic skill but not enough to avoid hitting bad notes or attempting songs which demand more skill than they can provide.

a couple of years ago I made the (last) mistake by going out with coworkers after the party to a bowling alley where much beer was consumed. Then Ward started grabbing Lori's crotch, some chinese dude started drinking out of our pitchers and we didn't even know him; and some temporary employee started crying because of a just-severed romantic relationship. oh the humanities.

never ever again.
my lord.... this makes me POSITIVE i shall avoid my coworker bash this year unless bill (my nice coworker) really pays me $200 to go like he said he would.