Official forum???

Holy shit! :kickass: Excellent colors. You scared me when I scolled all the way down and was like.. "No... No.... NOOO! ahh there it is"
Zarok666 said:
By the way, is still under construction and until the site is up, the old (shitty) site can be found here:
Updated link
..let me know when the 'real' one is up again
Mag: I will. Thanks!

Tuska: Yeah, I dunno why but somehow this blue makes everything more positive. And the whole forum looks more professional than ever! The "Read This First" Thread is a very cool idea and shows newbies the most important rules and threads. Fucking cobadmin was never able to do that. MagSec4 is the man! [/ass kissing mode] :grin: (Hey, I was really honest!)
YEah! BLue colors looks awesome, finally its official again. I hope that having two moderators that actually "live" will bring some good to this forum.

Mag, thx for mentioning my thread, its really nice :)

Anyway this is an awesome job done here!!!!!!!!