What would you ask Children of Bodom?

Hey, I haven't seen the universal question yet in this thread:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Hahahaha, it's a stupid tonguetwister that I saw in a videogame called Monkey Island ( it's pure art ).

Woodchuck it's an animal which eats wood or something, and chuck is the action of eating wood ( or something). I hope you understand. :D

Ah! And try to get Monkey Island, it's the best videogame ever.
Missiles said:
Hahahaha, it's a stupid tonguetwister that I saw in a videogame called Monkey Island ( it's pure art ).

Woodchuck it's an animal which eats wood or something, and chuck is the action of eating wood ( or something). I hope you understand. :D

Ah! And try to get Monkey Island, it's the best videogame ever.

I don't like Video game! But thanks for your explication! I'm stupid, there's I-don't-remember-his-name in a cartoon! pouah, i'm tired
Ask him when a "something wild" rehash concert is going to take place. Or at least hold a gun to his head and tell him to play "Touch like angel of death" with the tokyo intro. Oh yeah, also ask him when they are going to ditch that "they're coming to take me away" shit. It makes them sound less mysterious and more like clowns.
Engel Der Nacht said:
You know what? I understant NOTHING lol it's time for me to buy one dictionnary :cry:

must be an aamerican rhyme or something because i have heard of this since i can remember how to count.