Official Katagory V appreciation thread?


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Okay... so, if I'm in the band, I can't really start a thread like this... that would be absolutly retarded and egotistical of me!

But what the hell....

After seeing Tony doing up a very nice banner, I saw another email in which my little brother got creative and made up this little themed picture for us. The kid is just to cool to be my brother! Gotta love the family!

see our heads floating out there in the murk? very surreal!
... I think Trevor is missing, possible he sunk to the bottom of the lake? :tickled:

Just thought I'd share this nice peice of art with you all!
Awesome Dustin, your brotha rocks! :) Very cool work man, you got the artist thing running in your family! :) Me and him should hook and do some design stuff for you guys and others!

I love music but I was never good at playing it, I love art and I was just an OK artist (you want art you should check out my Uncle Panayiotis who lives in Brazil, now there is an artist!) however I love technology and this program called Photoshop and I fell in love with it. I am not an artist by any standards but I like to think that I have imagination, the rest I rely on techonology to do the transformations! :)

Cheers, Tony