Official Nevermore canadian date

Wow, how sweet is that. Nevermore are back and it is going to kick ass all night!

I know i'll be going even though i'm in debt and I still need to find a way to go to the Tool concert at the Air Canada Center in Toronto. Oh well.

The one song I want them to play most is The Tiannanmen Man.
Damn, the Kathedral is going to be so packed!
Where did you get this date from. My brother has two different dates for this show and one of them is the 25th and they bothhad questio marks next to them. Well, my bro will call Enertia Entertainment(the organizers) and find out whats going on, so i'll tell you if the 25th isn't true. oh god i hope it is though.
the official date is the 25th...and the 24th for montreal.

9/24 Foufounes Electrique - Montreal, Que
9/25 Kathedral - Toronto, Ont.
9/27 Royal Albert - Winnipeg, MB

9/28 CM 10 Year Anniversary Party - W. Hollywood, CA

9/30 The State - Regina, SK
10/1 Wash 'n' Slosh - Saskatoon, SK
10/2 Fox 'n' Hound - Edmonton, AB
10/3 Warehouse - Calgary, AB
10/4 Performance Center - Kelowna, BC
10/5 Columbia - Vancouver, BC
10/6 Diegos - Victoria, BC