Official "Song of the Week" 2013 thread

I've been on a instrumental binge lately, and this post rock band from Australia won my heart almost instantly.
If you enjoy beautiful music, check this out.

Some bombastically tasty symphonic prog/power metal somewhat reminiscent of Seventh Wonder...which is probably why I like it so much!
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I've never been much of a Dark Moor fan, but hearing a clip of this song in a compilation video absolutely put me in love with their newest album. In a year that's been a little dry for straight-up power metal, this was exactly what I was hungry for. The video is great too.

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This hasn't been posted yet? Ashes of Ares track. Sounds a lot like the Iced Earth I feel in love with all those moons ago.

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For the black metal fans here, here is a track from the upcoming The Ruins of Beverast album, Blood Vaults, which releases next month:

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This bands first album was a great bunch of hard rock songs with a nice blend of keyboards and lots of energy...There new album will be released soon in the U.S. (already out over seas) and sounds like it will even be better than the first... Very catchy melodies are what makes this band stand out to me...
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I love me some Soulfly! This track definitely has some old school Sepultura vibe going on here.

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Here's a recent discovery of mine...some tasty, melodic and complexity riddled Prog Metal for you to sink your teeth into! Album includes a 29 minute opus called "The Dream". Enjoy \m/
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THOUGHT CHAMBER's second album, Psykerion, coming out on September 16th in Europe and on October 1st in North America via InsideOutMusic. Psykerion contains 16 tracks / 64 minutes of superb true progressive metal with a technical sci-fi twist, likely to appeal to fans of DREAM THEATER, YES, RUSH and PLANET X.


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