Official "Song of the Week" 2013 thread

And now for something completely different and least by me. VERY Joe Cocker! Going through a tough time now and this song is resonating with me:

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I've been pondering covering Pain of Salvation's "Flame to the Moth" in my studio with my friends... Still debating it, because none of my friends or I can sing :(

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I thought their first album was alright - good but not mindblowing. There are a lot of these "Cynic-core" bands coming out these days like LCTR, The Contortionist, and these guys - I guess they're more into BTBAM I guess? It's not bad, but sometimes I just wish it was a bit heavier.
Their first album took a bit to grow on me. But there's some very excellent writing on it and it's been in pretty frequent rotation once it clicked with me. I do agree with the heavy aspect. They don't bring the punch like a Volumes or a Bermuda, and if they brought both that attack AND that insane groove they would be unstoppable. All in all though, for me, there's a lot to recommend them even though the vocals haven't won me over.

I hadn't heard LCTR before. Checking them out now...sounds pretty good. Too bad I already made a music purchase like a couple hours ago or I would probably be adding some of this.
Killer prog/power tune ala symphony x (maybe their heaviest type stuff), good gritty singer, and some wicked guitar work too

^^^Very nice find. It's too bad the band apparently doesn't want to sell it. I've been to several sites checking into this and cannot even find tracks to purchase. Not even from Jose's website. I might have missed something, but I shouldn't have to work or research a band for twenty minutes in order to give them my money. They sound like a mix of SymX and Majestic. Cool stuff...if you can get it.
I agree. I started searching for a place to purchase this, and his previous disc, with no luck as well. That tune sounds like something a lot of people around here would enjoy. I'll keep looking, but please let me know if you find any place carrying it.
^^^Very nice find. It's too bad the band apparently doesn't want to sell it. I've been to several sites checking into this and cannot even find tracks to purchase. Not even from Jose's website. I might have missed something, but I shouldn't have to work or research a band for twenty minutes in order to give them my money. They sound like a mix of SymX and Majestic. Cool stuff...if you can get it.

Perhaps the band is in the process of shopping their disc to the labels and haven't set a release date yet?
Looks like it was released last year so maybe its already out of print? Or it could be Claus is correct that a major label picked them up for a rerelease. the two tunes I heard warrant further investigation of the band...