Official Ticket Price


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Due to the rise in hotel costs, there has been a small increase in the price. It is now $110 plus usual crap from Ticketmaster. Sorry folks. I'm not looking to increase my profit margin, but I sure as hell don't want to take the hit either. Tickets will go on sale in March. Further details TBA.

Btw, for those unaware, Center Stage has an exclusive contract with Ticketmaster and I have no choice but to use them.
$3! Can you imagine! That's 0.30¢ per band! Outrageous , unfettered, price gouging is what it is!
Either that or it's what Colleen said.
Dude, increase your profit margin. You deserve it. The ticket price is usually one of our smaller expenses anyway.

$110 for two nights, 10 bands, is nothing to apologize for. I would have paid double for PPV and PPVI, happily.
Dude, increase your profit margin. You deserve it. The ticket price is usually one of our smaller expenses anyway.

$110 for two nights, 10 bands, is nothing to apologize for. I would have paid double for PPV and PPVI, happily.

If you feel that strongly about it, then why don't you give Glenn a tip, or at least buy him a beer at the event (if he drinks) :)
Even with the slight increase, it's still the best value for any festival anywhere. Period. Thanks for the notice, Glenn. :)

You can't beat the price anywhere, so the slight increase is the price for doing business, and bringing us the premier festival in the world, so don't apologize Glenn, it's necessary.:headbang:
It's a lot of money for a ticket. Hell, I thought $100 was steep. However, truely, given the quality of the product, I'd say it's justified, and I would gladly pay $115 this year given the lineups so far.

Woot, $5 price break!
Btw, for those unaware, Center Stage has an exclusive contract with Ticketmaster and I have no choice but to use them.

Does CenterStage allow for box office purchases? I don't go there often, so I'm not sure. But the other venues I've gone to don't do processing fees, etc if you call and purchase through the box office. So you just pay the ticket price, and whatever $2-3 fee for shipping or will call hold.
Ticketmaster is terrible. The "convenience" fee or whatever it is is around 12 dollars, if I remember correctly. That's never gonna go away, though.

You're gonna get a positive response from the forum members. The few hundred here that are devoted to this fest would go no matter what. The trouble is in convincing the on-the-fencers (not on this board) and the people who have never heard of this fest, and have never been to a metal festival period.
You're gonna get a positive response from the forum members. The few hundred here that are devoted to this fest would go no matter what. The trouble is in convincing the on-the-fencers (not on this board) and the people who have never heard of this fest, and have never been to a metal festival period.

Honestly, that is no longer my target audience. I am after the ones that have attended over the past seven years & they know what to expect for their money. It would be different if this was a dramatic $$ increase from the last two years or if I was trying to grow the fest with more new people.
Not only is their convenience charge never going away, but it just keeps on getting higher and higher. I've been to a lot of shows where the convenience charge ends up the price of a ticket and that's only buying one or two tickets and using their free snail mail shipping.
However, part of the final price is a venue fee. That's usually around $2-3 per ticket. And that's the venue, not ticketba$tard.
A great way to get around it is to try to call the venue and see if you can pick up a ticket. However, I've also had venues where I do that and they can't find my tickets or what not. Luckily you're usually on a list but I like saving my concert tickets.
That's only $11 a band. That's comparable to any other concert I've been to. Shit, that's about the price I pay for cover for a local show!

As far as ticketbastard- I once went to purchase a presale ticket for $8. At the door cost was $10. So I went to get my tickets, and the total was $12 with the fees... More than the price of the at door cost! I was not a happy camper.

What!!!??? This is bullshit! What are ya working for Mobil/Exxon now too? ;)

In all seriousness thats not too bad considering the hike in Hotel fares.

10 bands for 110.00? Thats a bargain.
OMG! $110 for 10 top class bands that I prolly woudlnt see anywhere considering that Colorado has apparently been annexed from the US - and therefore is not on any US tour lists? Hmmm, aw hell even I cant pull this off with a straight face - it's a bargain, not just cos of the bands - but because of the people taht will be in attendance. Heck if I meet one new cool person (in person lol) it's worth that - money - they'll print more & I'll spend it. Kickass music and good friends are priceless.
