Offline Chord Finder?


Jan 31, 2007
Hey Guys - I'm trying to find an offline chord finder, preferably freeware. Something where I can input the fretted notes on the guitar and it will tell me what chord it is.

Something like this that I can run on my PC without internet access.

Anyone know of one?
if you are using firefox, you can try to save it as a .html page onto your desktop, and all of the info should be in there. idk, but it could work. i did it for chemistry class, very similar to me. ill check to see if it works

edit: it works that way. all you do is click file>save as>"name".html then click it to open it, and it should work fine offline
Thanks for the comments guys. Didn't think about just saving the webpage. Still, I'm surprised there's not a free little app for this that runs on PC's. Oh well...
