
Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
I am gonna buy the guitar this or next week. Kinda okay but I am nearly torn apart by a annoying doubts...

BC Rich Warlock "Flesh Ring" ? (395)
Jackson RR-3 (? 695)

Rich looks better and it's nearly two times cheaper, but Jackson is Jackson... moreover I am not entirely sure whether Rich has a Fl.Rose... looks like it doesn't. Anyway I am gonna test what's most important - how they sound but mybe some of you could make any useful suggestion?

P.S. I am not a guitarist, hehe, just a guy who can play guitar!
Cheers and thanks! :Spin:
Yeah, the cheap Riches ain't worth a shit. If you want a good quality BC Rich, you have to go with the American Handmade Series, or at the very least, their NJ Series. I've owned both a high quality Jackson and a high quality BC Rich in the past, and they are both great. A guitar is as good as the person playing it, I say, as well as the corresponding amp, effects, etc.
The Jackson is WELL worth its extra money, trust me... Japanese Jacksons are a great bang for the buck. Yes, the BC Rich is cheaper, but there are reasons why that's the case: cheap labour, cheap parts, cheap wood.
It'll neither feel nor sound nearly as good as the Jackson.

BTW, I own two Japanese Jacksons, a KVX10 and a DKMGT... great guitars!

Oh, and btw, IMO the Rhoads looks way better than the Warlock. But that's me... ;)
I can't believe this is an actual question. Jackson hands down. If it came without a Floyd I'd jump all over it (Floyds are a pain in the ass)
iAMtheblackwizards said:
No a les paul is firewood. Its overpriced, and overweight, and the sound isnt as good as it used to be. Thick neck also hurts it quite a bit. PRS on the other hand is worth every penny, just hella expensive
LOL dude! what Les Paul are you talkin about??? Epliphone? Too heavy??? lift some weights you fat slapper! :) Anything Standard, Custom or higher.. the thick neck sounds phat. Pussies just cant play it, makes their weak hands ache. :) I have played everything and owned everything and I keep selling em and going back to my vintage LP, nothing sounds better, all tonal ranges, I just wish they made a baritone model.

Actually, high-end Ibanez guitars are very nice, if you are looking for a nice metal guitar... the entry-level ones are junk, but some of the S-series are fantastic. Jacksons are great, older the better, I love the wide necks... I havent played any of the new stuff though. BC Rich is crap, but just the ones I have played, warlock, etc.. Dan's BCR is very nice, strat copy, I dont think they make it anymore???

I am old school and prefer a bad ass Gretsch or a vintage LP, so take into account this is all personal preference. Play everything you can get your hands on before you drop $1500 on anything.
my weak hands ache because im a feeble little bitch, not because the neck of a les paul is as thick as a tree trunk. There is also a huge difference between a vintage LP and a current LP. Now a les paul is nothing more than kindling with les pauls name put on it, or a nice blunt object to murder people with (although it doesnt have the awesome stabbing power of a jackson or bc rich). Death to all who do not play pointy guitars
although I am all about the whole "how much would this guitar hurt if I stuck it up your ass" points scale... My 50 lb. les paul has transferred me from a 120lb. paperweight into a 165 lb. muscle machine! Lugging around a JCM 900 head and 4x12 cab helps too, but nothing can compare to the muscle shaping workout you get from wanking on a les paul. take a look at any guitar player's hands. thin, boney?? pussy plays a jackson. thick, phat woman-pleasing banana fingers??? Plays a les paul!!!!