Oficcial UM´s member´s names thread....

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
NICE NAME!! Mind if I have it too?? ;)

~Sh0k~ ...can't believe she just said that.

HAHA!!! Well, you'de have to keep it, you see...;) unlike some people, who didn't deserve it in the first place...

Originally posted by Wandrail
HAHA!!! Well, you'de have to keep it, you see...;) unlike some people, who didn't deserve it in the first place...


Which is exactly why I didn't ask to borrow it...
I would be happy to keep it! I'd love it like my own :grin:

HAHAHAHA...calling yourself Tax is like marking yourself for death! We can't have that ;). Especially with me being so anti-taxation!!!

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
OH MY! Yes, let's not call me Tax.. and not Tam either, for pete's sake!! Well.. Eric,you can call me anything you want except "Not Eric's" :D

My thinking exactly ;). Both "Tammy" and "Mine" are acceptable?
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Which is exactly why I didn't ask to borrow it...
I would be happy to keep it! I'd love it like my own :grin:


Well, in that case it would be yours, wouldn't it? ;) Or would you attempt hyphenation?
Originally posted by Wandrail
My thinking exactly ;). Both "Tammy" and "Mine" are acceptable?

Yes, both of those are completely acceptable for your use only!

Originally posted by Wandrail
Well, in that case it would be yours, wouldn't it? ;) Or would you attempt hyphenation?

I don't know.. I don't want to hyphenate, I think it's ridiculous and Zepp does not go well with Best (well, name-wise at least;)) but at the same time I am the last of my family name as I don't see my uncles having children anytime soon, if ever :-\ I don't want my last name to end with me when I get married *gulps* Who knows..

Yes, Best-Zepp...Zepp-Best...saying that three times fast is not adviseable. Plus, do I read into things too much, or does the hyphenation reek a bit of an unwillingness to give into the whole marriage thing? Kind of like not going all the way with it...

Hahahhaa...kissing smileys! -gently tackles, in as much as a 6'4" man can gently tackle a cute, slim woman- I guarantee you people are already at least getting indigestion.

Originally posted by Wandrail
Yes, Best-Zepp...Zepp-Best...saying that three times fast is not adviseable. Plus, do I read into things too much, or does the hyphenation reek a bit of an unwillingness to give into the whole marriage thing? Kind of like not going all the way with it...

Hahahhaa...kissing smileys! -gently tackles, in as much as a 6'4" man can gently tackle a cute, slim woman- I guarantee you people are already at least getting indigestion.


Yeah you're right, it does kind of say that... in a way.. I don't know, if I did hypenate it would be for the reasons already stated.. we could combine names to make it more of a "union" instead of a "take over" (not that I'm complaining!!!) Like Zeppest, Bestepp, Besepp, Bepp, Zest :lol: Our kids would hate us!
Kissing smilies..I have a million of em, thanks to Lady of the Oracle ;) http://clicksmilies.com/
