Oficcial UM´s member´s names thread....

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Yeah you're right, it does kind of say that... in a way.. I don't know, if I did hypenate it would be for the reasons already stated.. we could combine names to make it more of a "union" instead of a "take over" (not that I'm complaining!!!) Like Zeppest, Bestepp, Besepp, Bepp, Zest :lol: Our kids would hate us!
Kissing smilies..I have a million of em, thanks to Lady of the Oracle ;) http://clicksmilies.com/


Zest?! Hahahaha...then they would rebel and never bathe or something. Then, however, I could say things like: I need to be Zestfully clean, baby...then again it is quite impossible to improve on 'Best' ;D.
