Oh boy! I bet I'm fired tomorrow!


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Has this ever happened to any of ya'll? I was out for about 3 weeks on sick leave and workmans comp leave. I went back on wed. (too early might I add, I re-injured me back) went to get my check today and guess what? I DON'T FUCKING HAVE ONE! Yeah, it seems they didnt bother to report my sick time or start up my workers comp pay. How lovely. If u guys think I've gone off in here b4 and got harsh, then u really have no idea how bad I flipped out on sum mufuckers at work today. To be short I said Ill clock in tomorrow, but aing doin' a gatdamthang until I see a printed check or a wad of cash....

This ever happen to any of u guys?

no, that's never happened, but knowing corporate america it doesn't surprise me. I hope you don't get fired. We're all pulling for ya!
It has never happened to me, but I know it has happened to people where I work. Most of the time it happens because the person didn't fill out a timecard properly or didn't submit one on time or even forgot to submit one, period.
work sucks. they'll do anything to fuck somebody over and get rid of them, then turn around and make it impossible for that person to work somewhere else where the pay is comparable. Sorry to sound so bitter, but I just watched another friend get walked out of my office by HR. I think he sneezed when he wasn't supposed to.
Yeah..thats what happens when u work ur ass off but havean opinion and don't conform to the "corporate image" around here. They find a way ta drop ya. But the personell manager (a good friend) is/was responsible for keying my time and filing my workmans comp....so that's why I didnt file it. I wasn't supposed to by company guidelines. I bet I got an uphill battle here. Oh well. I already called the corporate attorneys for my families company. My family owns a chain of grocery stores here in Ga. and S.C. who is VERY non wal-mart friendly...lol they'll take this case just b/c they hate my employers parent company. I'll just wait and see what they do first. But, I am prepared for war, oh yes. Indeed.:headbang:
sounds like a cake walk compared to where i work. 70% turnover rate either do to people quitting cause the supervisor doesnt like the way they look or dont kiss there ass or cause the fire them for a couple of damage products. ive seen 1 guy damage couple cases of pickles,yougarts & sour cream pieces & get fired but the guy that damage 60 cases of melfry which took about 10hrs. to clean get written up only . the guys a DICK!!!! to the 10th power. ex-cop who by the way got fired for sleeping on the job, was supoosed to be watching the front doors cause of recent break-ins but i guess the idiot forgot there was a back door. got called to a robbery but he was to busy cleaning his blue lights so he couldnt respond to the call. & this guy cleans a time clock with sandpaper also. how he got the job is beyond me. & i fell on the ice outside of work & i have to use my sickdays? wtf is that about. this place just looks to fire the people that give them problems cause they speak their minds. i was told by the President of the company that i wouldnt be able to sue cause i wasnt punched in on the clock. all of a sudden he transfers out of the state. lol well theres my story boys & girls.
GregadetH said:

Hehe. I'm with you on this one. My wife worked at Scam's Club a number of years a go. She got screwed over and fired and we have stayed the hell away since. I try to avoid Wal-Mart as well, but she still shops there occasionally. I can't stand those companies, didn't care for them before she worked for them, really don't like them now.

If it makes you feel any better, I work in sales and they made the quotas impossible to reach if you're honest (which I am) and now I have until may to get up to speed or I'm out. Nothing like working for a company for 3 years and having them tell you you're dogshit. Really pisses me off.
Well They can tell me I'm dogshit - they just better put it on a plaque so's I can hit 'em in tha jaw w/ it...lol.

And as far as falling ON THE EMPLOYERS PROPERTY and hurting yourself, off clock or not - YOU have all right to sue if they do not take care of you. Look it up. I know I'm right on that. It's neglectful on their part.
Well, I was gonna bitch some too, but it'd be too embarrassing. I guess that I am luckire than I thought. Good luck Greg, it's never good when you have to litigate.