Oh dear GOD

I've seen worse. It's pretty rediculous imo but there's some people out there that feel the need to have a guitar shaped like that.
Here's some other great guitars:


And the mermaid guitar: http://www.andymanson.co.uk/images/mermaid2/index.htm
minus the retarded wings, that sword guitar is pretty sweet. I've seen that first one Lucius and it's beautiful. The mermaid one is just kind of freaky.
That is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I can only hope that this joke receives far more negative feedback than that thread about the new Ibanez 8 string a while back.
Folks!!! If you don't need a sword guitar please be sure and check out my "other items" link to the upper right!!!

Who needs a sword guitar anyway? :lol: