Oh God Help Me...


Oct 26, 2009
I figured this is the right place to do this..

I'm in a new, emerging band called Anthem Alone.

In this is band is Two former member of Road Runner band Still Remains.. Padge from Bullet for my Valentine is working with us a ton as well.

We're extremely stuck at the moment though.. We've been doing online vocal auditions.. Meaning we make a track downloadable, and people record their vocals overtop of the tune.

We've had about 200 auditions, but we can't nail down on the PERFECT singer.. So, I thought I'd post on here asking for help.

Do you, or does anybody you know have a great voice and are interested in being in a full time touring band? If so, PLEEASSEE let me know... We're literally just waiting for the perfect singer for this to get moving!:hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:
Damn I miss Still Remains so much :(
You're in the HEAVY band that spwaned from Still Remains' fallout right?
Good luck with it all!
GAAAHHHHHHH SHIT A BRICK!!!! Me and my mate were on about your band the other day...

we knew Jordan had got into a new band and we couldnt wait to hear it... i'm impressed like...

I was a big fan of "Of love and Lunacy"

This sounds awesome dude!! Good Luck!!
hahahah thanks guys!

Well... Seriously if you know of any singers, please please PLEASE let me know.. We were supposed to get Jason Woods from It Dies Today to be our voxolist but, he's apparently wayyyyy unreliable since we've not heard a single thing from him.. And he's the one who approached us! Quite confusing.
Ola has a riff used by another band, I heard it somewhere, from his comments I assumed it was you guys. I was expecting to hear about its release.

hell yes. It's a great riff, and it's utilized quite well!
What kind of singer do you need? A scream guy or clean?

Primarily a clean singer... If you can scream great, if not, no problem!

The sad thing is, we were about 1 day away from having Spencer Sotelo fly out here to be our singer, but then he joined periphery. =(