Oh London... I love you....

I'm going to Peckham with a net!!


From what I can piece together.. guy gets on bus. Black girl calls him a fag. He flips. She plays the race card. He flips further. He stomps his way through a glass door.

In that case, no matter how fucking annoying that guy is, I'm on his side.

Nothing against black people but fuck the race card. Seriously. The ones using that card nowadays are the ones who are actually racist.

And he's still a pathetic piece of scum for screaming like a little girl and breaking that glass.
Oh even before I knew that, I was totally with him. Not just anybody can scream their lungs out and then have the sheer mental willpower to sense when glass is about to shatter, and walk through the window at the exact same time that the glass decides to go pop! Amazing.

From what I can piece together.. guy gets on bus. Black girl calls him a fag. He flips. She plays the race card. He flips further. He stomps his way through a glass door.


well I guess she was only stating a fact ? amirite ?

Anyway, he was loud and annoying, and the broken glass is just a dick move.
What the faaaaaaaack. Why didn't someone intervene the situation before it escalated to that point? Two fucktards laughing away at the whole situation. While I did get a chuckle, I would have escorted that outta control guy to the next block. Kick Ass was right, people suck.
Because half of the bus drivers over here are Polish.. And they are told to wait till the police turn up to sort the matter, hahaha.

Apparently, that dude handed himself in.. shortly after it got popular.

Aye but wor north-eastern bus drivers would probably have kicked em both into touch like...

I don't think drivers in London get paid enough to break up some of the scuffles on their buses...

10 points for the epic exit to that conversation, even though its on youtube and he's gonna get done for criminal damage...