Oh man...it's horrible, but I can relate...

I'll agree that screaming kids are a fucking annoyance, but I can't condone a person slapping someone else's kid. Thats the parents job. It's just a shame that so many parents seem to not bother these days.
HAhahahahahahahahaahha, yeah, I love that ad :lol: And FTR, in no way was I condoning what he did, but I think lilhermiejobo summed it up with "he did what we all think about", but definitely know better than to ever try (at least, I hope that was the implication with the rest of your post dude :D). And that fucking face :lol:
i would have said something to the parent. like ask them to do something about it, not being a dick to them. nothing more. i'm sure the parent is not enjoying it when the kid is going nuts.

i agree with Metal Overload. i'm not a father but i am an uncle. and if someone hit that kid, i'd knock their fuckin' teeth out.
Answer me this, parents - if you're in a restaurant, and your kid is screaming, surely you can't enjoy it either? :confused: Even if you're used to the screechy sounds, the hateful stares of all the patrons around you can't feel too awesome; is it so hard to take your youngin' out to the car? Though they'd probably start beeping the horn or unlock the doors and run away or something, so (and I'm honestly serious here) maybe a dog crate wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility? I mean, you can't rationalize or reason with kids, so it seems like you have to rule with an iron fist...
All I have to say to some of the remarks is: God forbid one day any of you have children and they start crying in a store or restaurant. Nothing you can do will calm them down from what they think is the worst thing in the world.

Most of the time, crying is not mis-behaving. Like mentioned before, sometimes that is the only way they can communicate to let you know that something is bothering or frustrating them. They have to learn (as most of us have) how to deal correctly with certain situations.

We can yell "FUCK" at the top of our lungs or channel frustration into our work, music or anything else that we have learned (in our lifetime) in lieu of crying and throwing a tantrum (which i'm sure some of us are still guilty of).

I usually, as a parent, try to remove them from the situation and try to talk to them calmly as I am aware of other people and their space and their right to peace and quiet. If I can't calm them down, I usually just leave and come back later by myself.

I am in the same boat to say if some other person tried to "correct" my childs behavior or put their hands on them.....pretty sure they would be pissing blood out of the other end.

...anyway, just my 2 bits.
A dog crate dude? Really? :lol: Ever heard of DYFS? (j/k with you man)... but damn, a DOG CRATE?!?! :lol:

I take my kids out to the car and stay with them if they're truly that unruly in a public place, but my approach is to address that behavior young- obviously you can't stop it all fo the time, but all I have to do is look at my son a certain way and he knows "fuck, I better stop". I don't hit my kids at all, but they know - don't fuck with Dad when he gives you "the look".


I am literally wiping the tears from my eyes I am laughing so hard...
A dog crate dude? Really? :lol: Ever heard of DYFS? (j/k with you man)... but damn, a DOG CRATE?!?! :lol:

I take my kids out to the car and stay with them if they're truly that unruly in a public place, but my approach is to address that behavior young- obviously you can't stop it all fo the time, but all I have to do is look at my son a certain way and he knows "fuck, I better stop". I don't hit my kids at all, but they know - don't fuck with Dad when he gives you "the look".


I am literally wiping the tears from my eyes I am laughing so hard...

A dog crate dude? Really? :lol: Ever heard of DYFS? (j/k with you man)... but damn, a DOG CRATE?!?! :lol:

I take my kids out to the car and stay with them if they're truly that unruly in a public place, but my approach is to address that behavior young- obviously you can't stop it all fo the time, but all I have to do is look at my son a certain way and he knows "fuck, I better stop". I don't hit my kids at all, but they know - don't fuck with Dad when he gives you "the look".


I am literally wiping the tears from my eyes I am laughing so hard...

Your reaction was priceless hahaha,
Echoing the sentiments here...as a new dad...anyone that even raises their voice to my kid will wake up very, very sore...if they even wake up at all. Slap a kid? No. You're over looking the real person to blame: the parent. Kids only do what they know they can get away with. If anyone is to be slapped, the parent is. But also like has been said...ALL kids cry at some point, misbehaving or not...and sometimes there is just no calming them. This is when I'm a big believer in sparing the people around me and taking the kid outside, or just packing up and going home all together. But slap my kid? Only if you have a death wish.
Ok, fair enough Chris, I make no claims to have the slightest amount of experience in dealing with kids, so I defer to you (and other dads) on this - but honestly, I can't say the idea of taking them out to the car and sitting with them, thus indefinitely interrupting my feasting, is the most appealing thought! :mad: I think I'll just buy every season of "The Dog Whisperer" on DVD and use that as my child-raising bible :lol:

"Once again, I am the one going for the walk - this is about me, the child is lucky enough to come along" :lol:
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yeah it suck's but KIDS FUCKING CRY. thats what they do. the parent should have done something to make the kid stop.

Correct on all points. I just wish they'd keep their little hellspawns the hell away from me.

I can't condone a complete stranger hitting a kid. Part of me is shocked, the other part wants to buy him a beer.

The mother should have dealt with the little fucker, or better yet, left him the fuck home. If the guy absolutely had to hit someone, he should have slapped the mom for being a shitty parent.

And oh yes, an alternative method of dealing with children:
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Ok, fair enough Chris, I make no claims to have the slightest amount of experience in dealing with kids, so I defer to you (and other dad's) on this - but honestly, I can't say the idea of taking them out to the car and sitting them, thus indefinitely interrupting my feasting, is the most appealing thought! :mad: I think I'll just buy every season of "The Dog Whisperer" on DVD and use that as my child-raising bible :lol:

Sometimes, those are just the sacrifices of being a good parent. It quickly becomes obvious once you have children. Until they are at the age to understand how to act or manage themselves in a public area, you may (most likely will) have some abrupt endings to what could have been a pleasant evening. My wife and I take turns usually as to who takes them to the car and who finishes the meal and pays.

More than anything, my kids are the first thing and everything else is a distant second. I could care less if your visit to Wal-mart isn't the most pleasurable you've ever experienced. Keep your nose out of my buisness if it happens to be my kid that is acting awry. Its my job as a parent to teach them what is acceptable in society and the proper ways to conduct themselves.

My kids are 3 and 18 mths. I have had my share of these instances at this point of parenthood. No child needs to be slapped in the face...EVER! I have given spankings to my eldest but only when something he did was highly disrespectful or destructive.

I felt the same way as most of you before I had children. I just didn't understand until I walked in those shoes.

Sorry for the ranting. I'll go away now. (I feel like slapping my kids around):lol:
damn marcus, a dog crate!?? ahahaha... i'm pretty sure that'd land you in the cell right next to the guy in the article.
Well hey, at least it'd be my kid! And it's not like it's slapping him/her or being in any way violent or aggressive - just dominant :lol:

And Glenn, yes, holy fuck I love that clip :lol::lol: